New puppy

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In this story you live with the triplets

{ your pov }

I was over at the triplets house and I was in Chris's room as me and him laid on the bed. I been complaining about wanting a *favorite dog breed* for while now.


I had whined as my head was on his mattress.


Chris had said mocking that way I had said his name.

"I want a *dog breed* puppy"

I said as I faked crying as a joke

He then rubbed his hand up and down my back.

"I know you want a puppy but we don't have the room to have a puppy right now"

I then let out a big sigh

"It's okay, you'll get the puppy someday"

"I'm gonna move out and get a bigger house and get the puppy"

I had said as I moved my head looking towards Chris

"Umm... no your not, you are not moving out. Hell you just moved in a month ago"

{ skip to the next day }

I had woke up to Chris shaking me slightly. I then moaned not wanting to get up just yet.

"Hey, get up. I have a surprise for you"

I then turned my head to look at him. I then slowly sat up getting my eyes adjusted to the light that was coming from the window.

After a couple minutes I got up a threw a hoodie on since I was getting cold. As I opened the door Chris put his hand around my eyes making sure I couldn't see.

He then slowly guided me up the stairs. As we got into the living room he had moved me and I could sense that Matt and Nick was behind me. Chris removed his hand from my eyes.

"When I say 3 you turn around, okay?"

I then nodded my head. He then started to count down and it had made me nervous. As soon as he said turn around I then slowly turned around.

Once I was fully turned I seen a *dog breed* in Matt's arms. I then walked over to Matt slowly taking him/her out of his arms.

"I thought you said we didn't have the room for a puppy?"

"Well we don't but we'll make it work"

We all then sat in the living room playing with the puppy.

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