Thorn hearted

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Sia's life was a tumultuous sea, with waves of hope and despair crashing against her fragile heart. At sixteen, she was at an age where she sought her mother's approval more than anything else. But every attempt to win her mother's love seemed to result in disappointment. Sia's mother, Lily, was a woman of beauty and refinement. She moved through life with an air of elegance that seemed unattainable to her daughter. 

Lily's high expectations hung like a heavy cloud over Sia, casting a shadow over her every action.One sunny afternoon, Sia decided to bake her mother's favorite cake, hoping it would earn her some praise. The kitchen was soon filled with the aroma of vanilla and the warmth of freshly baked goods. As she presented the cake to her mother, a thin smile crept onto Lily's face."Oh, Sia, how sweet of you," Lily said, taking a small bite. "But the frosting is a tad too sweet. And the presentation could have been neater."

Sia's heart sank. She had spent hours on that cake, trying to make it perfect. Yet, her mother's words felt like a dagger to her self-esteem. She retreated to her room, tears welling up in her eyes. Her solace came in the form of her father, David. He was a gentle and kind-hearted man, who had always been there to console her when her mother's criticism became too much to bear. Sia often found refuge in his study, a room filled with books and the faint scent of leather.David looked up from his desk when Sia entered, her eyes red and puffy. Without a word, he opened his arms, and she collapsed into them, sobbing softly. He gently stroked her hair."It's going to be okay, my love," David whispered. "Your mother can be tough to please, but you are perfect just the way you are."

Sia clung to her father's words, finding comfort in his unwavering love. He had always been her anchor, the one who saw her for who she truly was and not the expectations others placed on her. As the weeks passed, Sia's attempts to win her mother's approval continued to fall short. Whether it was her grades, her choice of friends, or even her appearance, Lily always seemed to find fault. Sia felt like she was drowning in a sea of criticism.

One evening, after a particularly harsh scolding from Lily about her grades, Sia sought solace in her father's study once again. David was sitting by the window, reading a book on philosophy."Hey, sweetheart," he said, setting the book aside. "Rough day?"Sia nodded, tears brimming in her eyes. She recounted the day's events to her father, how no matter how hard she tried, she could never seem to make her mother happy.David listened attentively, his heart aching for his daughter's pain. 

When she had finished, he spoke, his voice filled with love and understanding. "Sia, you are an amazing young woman," he said, holding her hand. "Your mother's expectations can be overwhelming, but you should never doubt your worth. You have a unique spirit, kindness, and resilience that I admire every day."Sia smiled through her tears, feeling a glimmer of hope. Her father's unwavering support gave her the strength to keep trying, not to please her mother, but to be the best version of herself.

Over time, Sia's bond with her father grew even stronger. They spent hours talking about life, dreams, and the world beyond their home. David encouraged her to pursue her passions and never compromise her values for the sake of approval. As Sia embraced her true self and found happiness in her own accomplishments, her mother's criticism began to lose its power. She realized that her worth was not defined by someone else's expectations. 

She had the love of her father, and that was enough to fill her heart with joy. She had to take the hint, her mother is thorn hearted.

Ten years back: The David Incident Where stories live. Discover now