The truth about the David incident

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"I'm sorry dear, I can't let you report me hunny." Lily injects Sia and it makes her tired. Sia starts to wake up 1 hour later. "Hunny you're awake. I will show you what I did to your father. I didn't only murder him, I tortured him. "Be a good girl sia." Lily shuts the basement door locking it

Sia had found herself in a nightmare situation, trapped in a dark basement by the one person she should have been able to trust unconditionally—her own mother, Lily. It was a situation she never could have anticipated, and every day that passed felt like an eternity.

In the darkness of the basement, Sia's senses had become more acute. She could hear the faint creaking of the house above, the muffled sounds of life continuing without her, and the slow, rhythmic dripping of water from an unknown source. 

She knew she had to escape, not just for her own sake but to uncover the truth about her father's murder and bring her mother to justice.

Sia's first task was to gather information about her surroundings. In the faint light that filtered through a small, barred window high above, she could see the outlines of objects scattered around the basement. Among them was a stack of old newspapers, discarded furniture, and various tools.

Day by day, she meticulously planned her escape, taking note of Lily's routine and waiting for the right moment. She had observed that her mother brought her food once a day, a meager meal that barely sustained her. Sia knew that this daily visit was her best chance to make her move. Each night, as she lay in the cold and darkness, Sia rehearsed her plan in her mind. She knew it was risky, but she had no choice. She had to get out of that basement and find the answers she sought.

One day, as Lily descended the creaking stairs with Sia's daily ration, Sia felt a surge of determination. This would be the day. She knew she had to act fast, before her mother could lock the door again. As the basement door creaked open, Sia feigned weakness, as she had done countless times before. She huddled in the corner, her body frail and her movements sluggish. Lily approached cautiously, lowering the tray of food within Sia's reach.

But just as Lily extended her arm, Sia sprang into action. With every ounce of strength and desperation, she lunged forward, knocking the tray from her mother's hand. The meager meal scattered across the floor as Sia wrestled with Lily, using all her might to force her mother away from the basement door. In the struggle, Sia managed to reach the keys hanging from a hook on the wall. She snatched them and, with trembling hands, unlocked the basement door.

 With a final push, she sent Lily stumbling backward, allowing Sia to burst through the door and into the house. Her heart pounded as she sprinted through the familiar yet unfamiliar corridors of her childhood home. She knew she couldn't stay there, not with her mother so close behind. Sia needed to find safety and seek help. She ran out of the house. She quickly knocked on her neighbor's door to ask her to drive her to the local police station. 

"Please Ms.Smith drive me to the police station." "Why whats wrong?" "My mother is crazy she is trying to kill me. She locked me in the basement and I managed to escape" "I am driving there now HURRY!" She drives Sia to the police station and they head inside

Ten years back: The David Incident Where stories live. Discover now