Science fiction: The fact

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Science fiction: The fact

"Whizz, whizzzz, whizz. Whoooosssshhhhhhh!


Exclaimed a young boy. I guess he was 10 or 12 years old and as I turned to see what was so fascinating and what actually drove him to such an excited reaction. I could not see anything, then I joined the angle of his eyes and I tilted my eyes in the same direction, aligning with his glance that looked right above his head, and pierced the sky that spread over him. And there it was. His Whizz, whizzzz, whizz. Whoooosssshhhhhhh!

He had spotted a falling object from the sky and along with him I was the second witness to this cosmic spectacle. Or should I say a tragedy. Who knows!

It was evening and I resumed my journey; and as I was about to cross the stream, where the bridge had been washed away. I had to carefully tread over a huge log of Deodar tree that was laid across the stream. Its upper surface had been chipped off carefully to make it flat. But it was extremely slippery because Deodar trees have natural wax in them, and crossing it meant being extra cautious. Had the person cut small wedges over the flat surface that would have offered a better grip. But whoever did it, we all owe a gracious amount of gratitude to him. Because he/she did it out of social goodwill and no personal interest, or profit. A true social service.

Anyway, as I was balancing my feet on the Deodar log, I heard loud and frantic splashing in the water. And on my right side I saw the same boy, who was crossing the stream barefooted, with the laces of his shoes tied together and dangling across his neck. I must have taken my fifth step, whereas the lad had already crossed the stream and was on the other side trying to dry his feet and force them into the shoes. There was a sense of hurry, a sense of pervading rush in his body language. And as he wore his shoes he dashed through the fields. While I somehow managed to cross the log of Deodar and reached the other end of the stream. I paused and wondered where the boy was headed.

Nevertheless, I Ieft the log behind and the thoughts of the young boy too, and I moved ahead. I had a few important things to accomplish at my room where I was staying. I had shifted to this place a year ago and was yet to make new acquaintances. So I often went to my room early and allowed myself to be occupied by the novels that I was working on. And today I had a brilliant idea that I could add as a new twist to the plot of the story that I had been working on for almost 4 years now.

If you are wondering, that I have taken very long to write it, you are right and I would not object to this. But if you are thinking I want it to be a bestseller, well I would not object to that either, afterall, 4 years is a lot of time and when you invest so much time into something, it becomes a part of you. Almost like your child, whom you would not share with anyone, except that special someone you truly and madly are in love with.

But as of now, I am neither an accomplished writer, nor an accomplished poet. But as a child I always believed in one of the lines from the school anthem that all students, including me would sing every morning. I think we all sang it with a lot of passion. I took it a bit too seriously than others I guess. Both the passion and every word in the school anthem.

And here is the line that influenced me the most:

"We shall overcome someday,

I do believe we shall overcome someday!"

Now it is possible that this someday can be any day, and it may even take a lifetime or eternity, for this someday to find me. And especially with my passions still intact and the purpose of quest as well!

To a few that shall be the reason to give up and discard their dreams. But to a few, so called the mad few, haaa haaa! The desire is so strong that they are willing to pursue it and strive for it till eternity, and even seek it in the darkness and silence of their graves. Maybe these few are built that way. Maybe they believe in destiny, but they also want destiny to believe in them as well. Otherwise it will be a debt that they shall carry, and to them it shall beget neither pleasure nor satisfaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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