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Saturday night was amazing

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Saturday night was amazing.

It was all I was thinking about in math class. I was at the back today, Sebastian and Matthew were in front. He hasn't spoken much to me today but I didn't mind actually.

"Hey so how was the race Saturday night" Jessica asked me while drawing something on her book "it was great enjoyed myself a bit scared but alright" she smiled and continued sketching "so...anything happening between you and Michael?" she was frozen and turned her head slowly towards me "he told you what's happening between us" I was shock, so there was something happening "wow Jessica you just outed yourself what is happening between you two?"

She basically slapped herself on the head "it's personal very hard to explain and you'd probably judge" what? now I was confused "it's not hard to say if you dating or not JJ" she just shaked her head disagreeing with me "oh my god are you guys fuck buddies" she basically shouted no at me.

"Then what's going on between you two???' seriously JJ what the fuck is going on. "It's personal and hard to explain, it happened over the holidays actually" she was just fiddling with her fingers now "can we just not talk about it and don't bring it up to anyone" I lifted up and eyebrow but just agreed and didn't bring it up again.


It was lunch time and the girls and I were outside again, the boys were sitting with us again. I guess this is the new friend group.

Sebastian was next to me on he's phone just scrolling through social media.

"Hey" I spoke to Seb for the first time today. He looked at me and gave me a small smile before looking back at he's phone. Really that's all he's going to do? Not even gonna say hi back.

I just stared at the tree instead not bothered too start a conversation with him anymore.

"So boys, Trixie said Samantha is having a party tonight you guys in?" Veronica said while standing beside Grayson, he's quite tall actually taller than roni actually.

"I mean I have nothing to do too tonight so sure I'm in" Grayson said looking at roni. The rest of the boys agreed except Sebastian he was the only one who hadn't said anything.

"sorry guys I need to sit this one out I need to study for a chem test" I responded with a sad expression "same I need too study as well if it's alright with Aria we could study together" Sebastian gave me a short glance before looking at he's phone again.

"I don't mind" I was looking at him but he remained staring at the phone only giving me a small nod.

Ok so it was settled, me and Sebastian would be sitting this night out studying.

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