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Zac: Yes mom
Treasure: Who is this?
Fatima: Hi I'm Fatima
Treasure; Oh hey girl (sits down)
Gladys: Watch your brother that's right and how old are you Fatima?
Fatima: I just turned 16
Gladys: Oh hell no Zac don't try anything she is a baby matter fact lights stay on and door stays open and Treasure stay in here you here me
Treasure: Yes ma"ma I will (Gladys walks out)
Zac: Man you have a room
Treasure; I do but mom wants me in here besides she don't want you messing up your scholarship by getting a beautiful young lady as Fatima pregnant
Fatima: Oh it won't be none of that
Zac: Thank you
Treasure: Yeah I know that's why I am here
Zac: Can you go in your room
Treasure: No
Zac: Fine don't be in here talking (they watch the movie and Gladys orders pizza and wings for them they eat and then Zac takes Fatima home a little later on)
Andrew: (walks outside)Fatima Jamie Wilson we was looking for you
Fatima: Sorry daddy I was at the country club and I saw Zac
Zac: And I invited her over
Andrew: That's sweet son but Fatima is my baby she knows better next time keep your cellphone on you (he hands it to her and she takes it)
Fatima: Sorry daddy goodnight Zac
Zac: Goodnight (Fatima walks in the house and leaves her daddy standing outside)
Andrew: Zac I told you remain low key I don't want Fatima catching on to anything her step mother has her eyes on her dating or courting Hayden when she doesn't even want to and I want you to gradually earn the position okay son (Zac looks at him)
Zac: Don't worry Drew I got this I'm not gone force anything Fatima will fall for me and never find out the deal we made
Andrew: Good better not
Zac: I will see you tomorrow (Zac walks to his car and drives off)
Andrew: You will (Fatima goes into her room and Olivia walks in)
Olivia: You missed dinner (she crosses her arms)
Fatima: I know but
Olivia: But what?
Simone: Mom (walks up) Daddy would get you leave Fatima alone
Andrew:(walks upstairs) Olivia Wilson get in here please
Olivia: In a second
Andrew: Now woman (he shouts and she walks away)
Simone: Don't let her scary you was that Zac?
Fatima: Yeah
Simone: You know he has a girlfriend ?
Fatima: He does?
Simone: Yeah and besides he is to old for you
Fatima: I don't want it and besides him and Hayden are the same age
Simone: Mhmm whatever don't go catching feelings you have options
Fatima: Girl I ain't I know better he is just a friend
Simone; mhmm (Simone walks out the room and back in her room she calls her best friend on the phone)

Jeremiah: (knocks on the door) Can I come in
Fatima: (opens the door) Of course bro
Jeremiah: Zachery Taylor
Fatima: Damn you guys nosey
Jeremiah: We is and I am happy for you sis but Simone ain't don't tell her anything mark my words she is low key jealous of you
Fatima: Stop it Simone loves me
Jeremiah: Mhm Simone is jealous of you Zachery Taylor paying our baby sister some attention
Fatima: Jeremiah you and I are the same age
Jeremiah: We is and I know mess when I see it I got your back just like Micah and Wixx do too mark my words I see trouble on the horizon and besides dinner was not all that (he walks out the room)

Fatima thinks to her self and calls her best friend Queenie they talk for awhile and then get off the phone. The next day Fatima gets up and takes a shower and gets dressed and heads downstairs for breakfast she tells the maid what she wants to eat.

Olivia: (looks at her) Did you sleep well?
Andrew:(looks at her) She slept fine
Olivia: I was asking our daughter
Fatima: I slept good
Olivia: Good I have a very special day planned for us
Simone: What's going on?
Fatima: Yeah what's up?
Olivia: We'll as you know Hayden goes away soon and he is planning a big go away trip and I wanted to buy you some special outfits all of you guys are going but Fatima I wanted to get her some new clothes (Andrew rolls his eyes)
Fatima: That's so sweet but I don't need anything new
Andrew: You sure ?
Olivia: Oh please come I will take you to your favorite restaurant
Andrew:(looks at her) Go honey you can use daddy black card
Olivia: And I let you drive us there
(Andrew almost chucks)
Andrew: Hell no Fatima can't drive take the drive
Fatima: Daddy you know I'm trying
Olivia: Yes dear she is
Andrew; Fine but the old Mercedes not the new one
Fatima: Daddy we can take your Porsche
Olivia: Right we can
Andrew: (Jeremiah Simone and Quincy looks at there father) Okay I guess
Olivia: Thank you baby (they finish eating and they head to the mall Fatima is driving fast and Olivia is holding on)
Fatima:(hits a curb) Ops sorry Livia
Olivia: It's fine dear just keep practicing (she looks at the window and whisper really low Father save me)
Fatima: You want park close?
Olivia: No far away is fine (Fatima slangs in and almost some car)
Olivia: Be careful
Fatima: Sorry
Olivia: It's fine come on (they go inside and Fatima goes crazy Olivia sits back and watches as she sees her but everything in every store and then leave and head to the restaurant)

They get there and valet the car and head inside and order.

Fatima; Thanks for today
Olivia: Your welcome Fatima I know we bump heads but I had fun today
Fatima: Me too
Olivia: So Fatima I was thinking about asking your father to move to Atlanta
Fatima: Why?
Olivia: We'll Hayden will be going to morehouse
Fatima: Okay and?
Olivia: Fatima I want you to marry Hayden some day and it's a-lot of pretty girls in Atlanta but not as pretty as you and I want you to be near him he loves you so
Fatima: Yeah and if he loves me he can live with out me for a semester if it's true love
Olivia: It is but I want you to be there close to him I know you and him are having sex
Fatima: I am a virgin Olivia
Olivia: If you say so
Fatima: Look don't try that bull crap with me remember I hold the cards
Olivia; Right (she finishes eating and they head home when they pull up they see Hayden car) Oh look who is here
Fatima:(rolls her eyes) Hello Hayden
Hayden; Hey boo (he hugs her) You look lovely you want for a ride?
Andrew: (looks at him) Maybe she is tired son
Hayden: Oh well I can give her massage (he looks his lips)
Fatima: No I'm good I'm go lay down
Hayden: Okay well I'm take you to dinner later
Fatima; Okay see you later (Fatima walks upstairs and crashes)

A few hours past and Fatima wakes up and Hayden is standing over her and she looks at him.

Fatima: Hayden What the Hellll!!!!!!
Hayden; Sorry I was knocking
Fatima: Hayden give me a second okay
Hayden; Okay I'm be downstairs waiting on you (he goes out the room and Fatima gets up and takes a shower and gets dressed)

30 minutes later she walks downstairs and heads to dinner with Hayden.

Hayden; You want seafood?
Fatima: Sure
Hayden: What's wrong?
Fatima: Nothing
Hayden; You mad at me?
Fatima: No can you just be quiet thank you
Hayden: Fatima don't got be rude
Fatima: Hayden Lucifer son shut the Fuck up
Hayden: Oh we can go home
Fatima: Good take me home shit I am sick of your ass
Hayden: Nawl I'm not gone let you pick an argument we going out to eat (they pull and Fatima gets out and slams the door)

Hayden walks up besides her she waits and he looks at her.

Hayden: What?
Fatima: Nothing Hayden (she opens the door and hits Hayden with  it)

It Was Just Me (Fatima Wilson) Where stories live. Discover now