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The next morning was Saturday, Matilda woke up with a warm feeling in her stomach

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The next morning was Saturday, Matilda woke up with a warm feeling in her stomach. She spent the entire night thinking about Sonny.

That warm sensation became cold in a matter of seconds.  She had detention with Mattheo today.

She sighed as she got dressed into her home clothes.

Tying her laces, she picked up her backpack and was on her way to breakfast, where she had to go to detention straight from there.

She sat down next to Tessa, who was sitting alone.

"Morning Tess," Matilda started as she started piling her plate rapidly.

"Morning- Oh uh someone's actually sitting there-" Tessa tried to say, but Matilda was too busy rambling on about detention to hear her.

The Slytherin boys walked over to the table. Draco Malfoy stood there, behind Matilda. He looked between Matilda and Tessa. Tessa shrugged her shoulders.

He finally tapped on her shoulder and Matilda was biting on a sausage.

She quickly whipped her head around and swallowed her food.

"Yeah?" She asked.

Draco rolled his eyes. "I'm sitting here, book-freak."

Matilda looked at Tessa who just smiled sympathetically at her.

"Fine," Matilda said standing up, leaving her food there. On her way out of the Great Hall, she bumped into Mattheo.

"Watch yourself," Mattheo spat. Matilda stopped in her tracks to face him.

She looked at him up and down, without saying a word. Finally, she grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the Great Hall.

Mattheo looked at his friends with a pleading look on his face as he was being dragged away. With all of his force, he managed to escape her grasp, but he was too late anyway as they were already outside the Great Hall.

"What the fuck-" Mattheo asked.

Matilda rolled her eyes. "I'm doing the talking, Riddle."

Mattheo backed up, with a smirk on his face. "If you say so.."

She took a deep breath. "During detention, you will not bother me, okay? I'm seriously not in the mood for your shitty antics today."

Mattheo looked at her, and laughed. "Yes ma'am."

"No I'm serious, Mattheo."

He smirked. "So am I."

Matilda barged past his shoulder once again and made her way to detention, although she was fifty minutes early.

Professor Snape was inside, sitting at his desk. "Ms Lively, your early."

Matilda smiled at him. "If I start now can I leave when Mr Riddle comes in?" She begged.

"No can do.. Remember we have got to discuss your tutoring him." Matilda sighed, but covered it up as a cough when she seen the look Snape was giving her.

She nodded at him and walked away, up to the astronomy tower, hoping to find Sonny.

Sonny wasn't up there, but she decided to wait on him anyway.

Taking a seat on the floor, against the wall, Matilda closed her eyes and started to daydream about Sonny.

There were footsteps coming up the stairs, knocking Matilda out of her dream. She quickly adjusted her posture and fixed her hair, but slouched again when she realised who it was.

"Thought you should know, Detention starts now," Mattheo said, leaning his shoulder against the wall.

Matilda got up off of the floor. "Of course I knew," she lied. She walked up to Mattheo and looked up to his face. There was blood. Across his nose.

She squinted her eyes at it for a moment, but he turned around and began walking down the steps.

Matilda quickly caught up to him, walking slightly behind.

Once they'd reached detention, Mattheo opened the door and held it open for Matilda. She sneered at him and walked past.

She took a seat at the front of the classroom, taking her notebook out of her bag.

"You won't be needing that, Ms Lively," Professor Snape said.

Matilda looked at him and slowly put it back in her bag.

"So what am I doing then?" She questioned. Mattheo snickered.

Her head turned to Mattheo, who was already scrubbing cauldrons.

"Here's a sponge," He laughed and threw a wet sponge over, soaking Matilda.

"Oh you little-" Matilda began, but Snape cleared his throat, making Matilda look over at him. "Sorry sir."

"You both have two hours to clean those cauldrons, if you complete it before those two hours are up, you may go and get a book from the library." Professor Snape said as he strutted over to the door.

"I will be leaving, I will return shortly to make sure you're still here."

Matilda and Mattheo both nodded. Snape stepped out of the class, and they heard a click as he locked the door.

"Brilliant," Matilda said as she was wringing out her wet hair.

Mattheo looked at her and laughed. "God you look ugly with wet hair."

Matilda sarcastically smiled at him and stood up, Realising her white top had gone see through.

She threw her head back and groaned, smacking her head.

"Your fucking joking!" She moaned to herself. Mattheo looked over, and his eyes widened when he realised.

He quickly looked away, and placed down his sponge.

Matilda sat on the edge of a table, with her head buried in her hands.

She flinched as a piece of fabric hit her. She sat up and realised it was Mattheo's jumper.

Matilda looked up at him, but he was scrubbing away at his cauldron acting as if nothing happened. She smiled and took her wet shirt off, and replaced it with Mattheo's jumper.

𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐀 ,, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜 Where stories live. Discover now