billieeilish: year 5, let's do dis❤️
👤: vanityfair
1.8M❤️ 723k💬
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billiesource: LETS GOO
eilishscomet: we won‼️
billiesource: stop this was so cute🥹
👤: billieeilish, leiparrish
963k❤️ 268k💬
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leiparrish: 🤭
billiesnova: the way she says falling in love is the scariest thing she's done.. but you can tell she's the happiest she's ever been🥹emiparrish: 🤎🤎
972k❤️ 368k💬
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renee_downer: pretty lady😍
billieeilish: emiii😩
5H Texts 2
Random"You know the drill. It says 5H texts, but it's really 5H IG.????" yea uh, scratch that here we are what 3 years, 2 years later? I very much think I'm completely out of my 5H phase. So I think you can catch my drift. It'll still focus on Kehlani, No...