I'm now a graduate

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Amidst the halls of wisdom,I did tread,
Through years of learning, where my dreams were fed.
Each class ba journey, every book a friend,
Now at this graduation, my studies end.

With mortarboard and robe,I proudly stand,
A scholar forged through knowledge's guiding hand.
The challenges where many,the nights were long,
Yet here I am,my spirit strong.

I've gained not just degrees, but insight deep,
In fields of study where my passions seep.
From lectures and discussions, I have grown,
Into a person I am proud to own.

But now the future stretches wide and vast,
With opportunities I will meet them fast.
For this is not the end,but just the start,
Of a life where learning plays a vital part.

I will carry with me all I've come to know,
The friendships made,the seeds of wisdom grown.
With gratitude,I step into the day,
A graduate in every single way.

So here's to all the lessons, bright and gray,
The journeys end,but knowledge lead the way.
As I embrace the world,my heart is light,
A graduate ready for the endless flight.

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