𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝: 𝙺𝚘𝚕 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚗

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Kol Mikaelson, the Original Vampire with a tumultuous history, found himself in an agonizing predicament. Once a formidable witch before his vampiric transformation, he often wished the roles were reversed. But at this moment, he was not a powerful vampire but rather a captive of a cunning coven of witches who had him bound with mystical restraints.

The witches reveled in their cruel game, their eyes glinting with malevolent delight. They had captured Kol with a sinister purpose in mind—to draw out his notorious brother, Klaus, the fearsome hybrid who had tormented witches for centuries. The witches believed that using Kol as bait would bring Klaus into their trap, and they intended to make Kol's suffering an irresistible lure. They took turns sending excruciating waves of pain crashing through Kol's undead body with their spells, reveling in the visceral satisfaction it brought them. Each time the torment intensified, Kol gritted his teeth, refusing to give them the satisfaction of hearing him scream. His eyes burned with a deadly promise, his thoughts consumed by one singular desire—to rip out their hearts.

As the witches laughed wickedly and taunted him, Kol's patience wore thin. He longed for the moment when he would break free from these accursed bonds, and his retribution would be swift and merciless. He may have been their captive for now, but he was an Original Vampire, and his rage smoldered beneath the surface, ready to be unleashed in a blaze of vengeance that would make even the most powerful witches tremble.

As the witches continued their sadistic revelry, Kol's attention was drawn to something peculiar. Amidst the dimly lit room, a small, swirling mass of black misty shadows began to materialize in the center. It swirled and expanded, growing larger with each passing moment. Kol's captors, too engrossed in their torment, failed to notice the eerie phenomenon until it reached a size impossible to ignore. Their laughter faded into uncertainty as the room was engulfed by the enigmatic darkness. Then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, the swirling black misty shadows vanished, leaving in its wake a figure that stole Kol's breath away.

Before him stood the most enchanting girl he had ever laid eyes on. Her long, raven hair cascaded in wavy tendrils down her back. Her eyes, a mesmerizing mismatched pair, locked onto Kol's with a mischievous glint—one vibrant blue, the other a striking green. Lightly dusted freckles adorned her nose and upper cheeks, adding to her ethereal charm. She wore a long, silky black cut-out dress that clung to her every curve, accentuating her graceful figure. Matching black heels adorned her feet, and a lightning bolt-shaped scar on her forehead added an intriguing touch to her already beguiling appearance. With a luscious smirk gracing her lips, she exuded an air of charisma, power, and a hint of mischievousness that twinkled in her captivating eyes.

For a moment, the room fell into stunned silence. The witches who had tormented Kol were left speechless, their spells forgotten in the presence of this enchanting newcomer. Kol, too, found himself momentarily captivated, a mixture of awe and curiosity coursing through him.

Breaking the silence, the mysterious girl spoke with a voice that dripped with confidence and allure, "Well, isn't this a fascinating gathering? You didn't think you could have all the fun without inviting me, did you?" Her gaze shifted from Kol to the bewildered witches, and her smile deepened, as if she were savoring the shock on their faces.

Before the torturous witches could even react, the mysterious goddess of a girl unleashed her formidable power. With a mere flick of her wrist, she sent the witches, who were caught off guard, sprawling across the room. As the witches crashed into the walls and floor, their cries of pain and surprise filled the chamber. The room seemed to tremble under the weight of the unleashed magic.

"Oh, come on," the enigmatic girl taunted with a mock pout, her voice dripping with amusement. She sauntered forward with a grace that seemed otherworldly, her heels clicking against the floor. "You can do better than that."

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