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Janet walked in and my body just froze as I looked out the window "Toni? Is he gone like I asked?"

"No. He wouldn't allow me to be the one firing him, he wants you to do it." I could feel her walking towards me, it was cold not cold in the room no, but her, her spirit was cold.

"I know." She touched my shoulder before turning me around. "Toni."

"Yes." Her eyes they wasn't a warm brown anymore, they were dark. He minted breath hit my parted lips as she pulled me close to her.

"Regardless Toni, I love you. I'm in love with you and that will forever remain. You are the best in this business and you're the best wife for me. I'm sorry I've fallen short of giving you what you needed. I'm sorry that you even had to second guess something with him because of my lack of love, affection, respect, and remembrance that you're my wife. I'm sorry we didn't talk about this, I'm sorry that I didn't hear you even when your eyes told me what I needed to know. I began to become so cocky in just knowing I had you I really didn't think that for a split second someone could make you feel what I'm suppose to make you feel. Answer me this Toni, are you in love with me still?"

"Yes Janet I will always be in love with you."

She moved some hair out my face looking me in my eyes. "Good cause I'm so very much in love with you."

Her lips touched mine as we engaged in a kiss that I've never experienced. This, this is the feeling I've missed. God I missed her, I missed Janet not physically but mentally.

Her hands got tangled in my hair as she slammed me into the wall causing a picture of us to fall as we still were in the heat of our make out session.

"I love you Janet."

"I love you more babygirl, so much more." She picked me up carrying me over to my desk slamming me up against it as well, though I didn't care. This is what I needed, what we needed.

She grabbing me in all the right places, it's like she, we was hungry for each other. "Mrs. Jackson, Aaliyah said you wanted to see me—."

We heard the voice but just didn't care. It was like we was chasing a love high. By the clearing of the throat and Aaliyah breaking us apart, we looked up and seen Kenny.

"Janet he's here as you requested."

"Uh, thank you." He came in sitting down.

"I heard you wanted me to be the one to get rid of you eh?" She pulled me in her lap as I  laid my head on her shoulder still on a high. I could take her right here with him in front of us.

"Yes. Toni doesn't have it in her heart to do it. In fact there's a chemistry between us a bond almost, somewhat similar to you and her."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, look how we work together. It's almost in plain sight."

"It's only in your plain sights hun." Janet said as her hand traveled to my thigh. "Look Kenneth, at this point I don't care about you leaving or not. You are good at what you do, that just can't be denied. The contract is at high value and I can't risk that either, so we must pull our weight here if we all want to get paid."

"You're absolutely right. Though we must thank Toni for setting the bar so high, because they were trying to give you was a quarter and half less of what Toni got it for. So be thankful your wife has many talents like being the real head of this company."

He getting ready to put his foot in his mouth I can see it now. Though we simply nodded our head.

"Perhaps you right but that doesn't matter to me at the moment. Kenny, It hurts me to say this but I actually wanna thank you cause you helped us fix our problem. That's another reason I'm giving you another shot. Understand this.. my wife is off limits work with her, not try to work on her understand."

"I hear you." He sat back looking defeated because honestly he needed this job for it was his only job.

"Kenneth we have great work chemistry but nothing else will come out of this. I love my wife, she's my heart and I dare not jeopardize anything with her."

"You're truly happy huh?"

"Absolutely." He looked at me and nodded. "Alright, thank you for not getting rid of me and I will from now on keep it strictly business."

"Thank you. Now if you could excuse us there's an emergency we must attend to."

She carried me  clean out the building. "Toni I've missed you, and if I'm correct I know you've missed me."

"I have."  She looked at me with eyes that held all her love for me. She drove home taking the back road speeding almost.

Once arriving we dang near ran in the house. We just got so caught up, kissing like mad men.

Tonight, Tonight would be different. Tonight we would be meeting all over again.

Tonight, our love would be reignited with a fire that you couldn't put out this time...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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