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Ending is somewhat important, rest is world building and practice for the general writing style and feel for the story.

Your alarm went off, it was obnoxiously loud. You switched it off with a tired groan, you slowly sat up.. you were tired as hell, you checked your phone and saw it was the 31st of October, Halloween. You perked up when you saw the date.

"..Halloween.. yay..!"
You said tiredly and practically crawled out of bed and immediately went to the kitchen, you grabbed a bowl, a spoon, cereal, and milk.
Once you were done getting your cereal ready you sat down on your living room couch and ate your cereal as you watched your favorite TV show, after a little while you were done eating and you put your bowl down onto the table.

You got up and cracked your back with a small groan and went to the bathroom to wash up.


You dried off and headed to your room with a towel wrapped around your body, you rummaged through the closet and grabbed your Halloween costume, you put it on and gave yourself a small glance in the mirror to make sure the costume looked alright.

You went to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of mixed candy and put it into a large bowl. You took a piece of paper and wrote on it with a cheap marker 'Take One Please!' You knew it would most likely not stop kids from taking a handful or the whole bowl of candy, but it was worth trying.
You took a small stool and put it outside on your porch and put the bowl there for the Trick-Or-Treaters.

You sighed and went inside, you sat down on the couch again and yawned, as you didn't know what to do until night hit.


You were on your phone and when night finally hit, you got up and stretched, you went to your front door and opened it, you exited your home and closed the door, locking it behind you.

You stuffed the keys in your pockets and went out, seeing lots of kids and teens Trick-Or-Treating. Nearly no adults were out, besides the parents walking with their children for safety.

_  _  _

As the night went on you'd compliment kids costumes, you had quite a lot of candy and gave some to kids that were struggling since you wouldn't be able to eat all of it in time befote it got old. The kids would leave with happy smiles and they'd wave goodbye.
The night was calm, the streets were busy, you let out a small sigh and and went to the park to get a little breather from all of the people, you were sitting on a bench in the park, no one was there, crickets could be heard chirping.

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, your body relaxed and you sat there peacefully. Until you heard someones footsteps. Your eyes shot open and you glanced around the park, you didn't see anyone, but instead of taking a risk you got up and started to walk towards the park exit until, you felt someones hand cover your mouth and hold your waist tightly to stop you from running.

"Did you know, the liver is the most nutritious organ in the human body..?"

It was a man, he had a deep southern accent.

Your breathing was shakey and you struggled in the mans grip, he let out a faint chuckle at your attempts to escape his grip.

"Don't worry I'll take good care of you..."

He stopped holding onto your waist for a moment and reached into what you can only assume is his pocket and pulled out a cloth, it reeked of chloroform, you panicked and tried to scream, it was muffled by the mans hand, he then quickly put the cloth over your mouth and nose, he was a little hunched over as he kept you still and shushed you.

"Easy now.. no need to make this more difficult than it has to be..."

He said calmly as he struggled a little to hold you in place, after around 5 minutes the chloroform had kicked in and you passed out.

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