The Sorting (updated)

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I do not own Harry potter all rights to jk Rowling I only own this fanfic

September 1 1991.

Severus tobias snape was not happy his day started with being woken up by his house elf mittens who knows why the blasted thing chose to serve him he will never understand but she wouldn't leave him nor stop serving him not even when he threatened to give her clothes. she would just disappear when he tried so he eventually gave up and accepted defeat the elf would serve him no matter how much he wished she wouldn't. house elf's always reminds him of how his father treated him like a servant or on bad days a slave it was not something he wanted to remember.

" master please wake u-up!" Snape cracked one eye open and looks at mittens who is wearing a simple black cloth looking both nervous and determined to keep him awakened so he nods his head and gets out of his bed if there were one benefit of being a half blood in the wizarding wold if was using muggle appliances that Didn't use electricity, such as his bed the latest and best bed king-size he Could get his hands on and his toothbrush and toothpaste as a wizard he could use magic to take care of his needs but these few small moments were something that he enjoyed doing .

A nice hot shower and a change of clothes later severus heads to the head table to watch and wate because today was the welcoming feast and the sorting feast for the new first-years and the day the potter brat will be attending. Oh how he loathes the thought of the spoiled little brat probably on the train showing of his scar and arrogantly looking down on everyone else because he is the special boy who lived just a carbon copy of James..... but maybe just maybe he Will be like he banished the thought of her. 

So the potions professor sat the head table scowling at any one and everything and he sat waiting just like everyone else in the magical wold to see the boy who had defeated the dark lord and captured the interest of the wizarding world the only person ever to survive the killing curse harry potter.

Albus to meny names Dumbledore was in his office watching the leaving form of Minerva mcGonagall having just talked about the sorting feast and discussion about a harry potter Dumbledore was worried about the boy as he was no were to be found his letter had gone out and he accepted but albus had been surprised at the address on said letter "nowhere?" he muttered to himself. He had apparated to no.4 privet drive only to find no harry and no dursleys in fact no one lived there at all it seemed the dursleys had moved not to long ago a week at most if he had to guess and his guesses were usually right or close.

But why did there dursleys leave he had told them about the protection on the house and not to leave until harry was seven teen years old and most important were ,is harry and why was his address listed as nowhere?. "To meny questions and to little time." The headmaster apparated back to his office to ponder over Harry's location unfortunately the headmaster did not learn anything else about Harry's location or have his letters delivered any owls he used to send one to Harry just flew in circles in his office the only possible answers the old wizard could come up with were 1 Harry was dead unlikely 2 Harry had no home and was living on the streets albus hopes that's not the right one or 3 Harry's under the fidelius, If true that could have a lot of implications lots of them and dumbledore decided to say nothing and wait of Harry to arrive with the other first years after he can then ask his  questions.

Some were in the darkness of Hogwarts hidden beneath darkness a man onse feared to be the greatest and most powerful dark lord who ever lived is in a rage "the boy... the boy... Potter!" spoke the dark lord using his servants mouth the boy was coming he had much planning to do he would see who he was what he believes how strong he is he would see what kind of person harry potter is ,the dark lord would wait and watch then strike at the perfect time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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