Chapter 1

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"Tina" kaley called from downstairs "breakfast" tina came downstairs and sat at the table with kaley "So has calum texted you yet"? Kaley asked "yes we were texting all night" tina said "calum said that he was off of tour today and that him and luke were gonna be at the mall" tina exitedly said "oh what time"? Kaley said but just after she said that she got a text from luke "Hey beautiful good moring me and the boys are off of tour today and me and calum are going to the mall at 1:30 think you can come"? Then kaley responded "yes" then a minute after kaley hit send luke said "see you there baby I love you so much" then after kaley put her phone away calum had texted tina and said "morning baby me and luke are gonna be at the mall at 1:30 be there I love you" Then kaley said its 12:00 right now we have an hour and thirty minutes to get ready "come on late go" Tina said pulling kaley upsairs "I don't know what to wear" kaley said sadly then all of a sudden there was a knock at the door kaley and tina went downstairs and kaley opened the door and found two presents outside one with kaleys name on it and one with tina's name on it and kaley's was from luke and tina's was from calum they both had cards on it and kaley opened hers and it said "I can't wait to see you baby I missed you so much heres a little gift I got you I love you so much ~luke then kaley opened her gift and it was a black viel bride shirt then there was black skinny jeans and punk boots and last their was a black purse filled with all of her favorite candy next tina opened her card and it read "hey baby I miss you while I was on tour ive can't stop thinking about you your my everything see you later ~calum then when tina opened her present it was a mondays mona lisa shirt black skinny jeans and black vans and a blue purse with all her favorite candy in it "omg its 12:30 let's go get ready" kaley said "yeah let's wear our new outfits" tina said "yeah kaley whisperd" with there outfits and purses they both went upstairs

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