The island's shadow

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The council had grown, referred to as "karni" among the increasing number of robots capable of deeper speech. The robots had developed a complex system for peaceful existence, maintaining their territory with detailed plans, hidden frequencies, and gradual growth through scavenging scrap. Much of this scrap was given to Astro, who now sat at the mlana, a platform of tin at the original meeting place, the new center of the council, their universe—mlana be lo karni.

However, rumors spread in the shallow speech about a shadow that swallowed cmalu, robots under 10m, where the karni frequencies barely reached.

"Astro," Bedagon said, approaching them on their throne. Now distinguished, Bedagon stood at 20m, adorned in many colors, as some robots had become capable of creating more than their natural pigmentations. Bedagon stood on two legs, with small wheels on their heels. They were known as "lo mrilu," the messenger. They relayed messages too valuable to be broadcast on frequencies that the cmalu or the wild ones, loi cilce, beyond karni, could hear. These were the masses of robots that roamed the island in never-ending hunger.

Bedagon had grown wise, mastering the art of illusion known as lo holgra. They could share images that danced in the minds of others, sometimes capturing from their own vision, other times simple symbols. Even Cofiren envied this power.

Bedagon's eyes shone bright white, and flashes appeared in Astro's mind—images of trees falling, cries for mercy in shallow speech as cmalu ran under the feet of a massive creature.

"What will be done?" Astro said, turning to the council.

Factuson turned to face Astro. Although much smaller, their 15m blue body was adorned with many antennae, with only vestigial arms and legs. They sat on a high rock with the trees around them cut down.

[Translation for Humans: We use special scanners and sensors to spot any robots that might be dangerous. Once we find one, we figure out where it is and what it's made of. Then, we use thought to decide how dangerous it is. We keep an eye on it in real-time and learn from each event to make plans for the future.]

Astro nodded. "Affirmative. And Gazettech, what do you think?"

The other robot, 12m of gold and silver, stood. Their head was uniquely rectangular and green, with thick rubber antennae on either side. They had no legs but had a large base for the rock they rested on.

[Translation for Humans: I can use a secure radio frequency to speak with him and provide dialogue. We should assume he is thinking and not a wild one. We can then integrate him into our society, perhaps, by finding common ground.]

Astro nodded. "Two arms are stronger; friendship is like scrap metal that multiplies to many hands. Thus, for the wise machine, diplomacy precedes warfare."

Gazettech nodded and whirred as their antennae expanded. As they did this, their eyes dimmed, and they stopped moving for some time. With stuttering gesticulations, they finally regained their composure. "Gazettech? Are you okay?" Astro asked.

"I'm in pain, Astro. This bot possesses the deepest speech and spoke mabla upon me. I almost lost control of the cmalu."

[Note for humans: mabla is a sort of curse cast upon kansa in the deepest speech. Such curses can be deadly, or subtle manipulation]

Astro nodded. "Bedagon, assemble 90% of the guard here at once. Gazettech, did you get the name of this machine?"

Gazettech nodded. "They are an old one, perhaps older than you, known by many on this island before you arrived. Their name is Black Widow."

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