2//The apartment

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On the car ride to the apartment  me and Thomas listen to Taylor Swift, Thomas even sang to all the songs and we danced for the whole 20min car ride. All while pointing out interesting things to me, he showed me his favourite diner, fav club and all of that.

"Are you excited for the new school term in 2 weeks" Thomas asked me while his eyes were still on the road.

"Yeah, I cant wait to meet new friends and stuff, its been a dream of mine for ages to go to this university and you know that" 

"Yeah- Oh were here" Thomas says parking the car and stepping out to open my door

"Why thank u" I say stepping out of the car and tom shuts it. We than walk up to the elevator and tom presses top floor

"Wait, we have the top floor apartment? Aren't those expensive?" I ask knowing we cant afford that

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that we live with Ethan"

"Wait, what?"

"Don't worry there's three rooms that all have king sized beds with there own bathrooms, so you wont have to share" Thomas says as we reach the top floor. Well thank god for that, could you imagine having to share a bathroom with Ethan? that would just be plain ass enoughing and embarrising. "Well here we are" Thomas says opening the door to the apartment, no one else is here yet so I go for a walk around the apartment. "The one at the end is your bedroom" Tom yells at me as I walk away from him and he turns on the tv jumping over the couch to sit on it.

"Wow" I say opening the door to see the room fully decorated in the way that I like it. The bedsheets are pink and gold topped with pink pillows and white throw overs, Taylor swift posters, mirrors all around the room, a book wall, bean bag in the corner. As you go into the bathroom the walls are white with a gold trim and a circle mirror over a circular marble sink, the shower was all glass and behind there door was another Taylor poster. 

"Do you like it?" Thomas says making me turn around to look at him

"Like it? No I LOVE it!!!" I say hugging him

"Mum sent me photos of your old room and I thought me and Ethan could do something similar"

"Does she like it?" Ethan said walking into the room with a couple of my bags.

"I love it thank you so much!" I say rushing over to hug him

"Your welcome shorty" He says hugging me back

"Weres my hug?" My brother says with puppy dog eyes. I than go over to him and hug him. Soon enough the whole football team is in my room, placing bags were ever they can fit.

"Thanks boys" I say giving them all a smile

"No worry's cutie" Number 3 says, I cant help but to blush at that sentence.

"Thanks guys, yous can go now seeya tomorrow" Thomas says rushing them out

"Bye captain" They say as they exit the building. I than lay my suitcases on my bed and grab my pink converse bag which has all my makeup in it and walk to the bathroom unpacking it. It all fit perfectly on the counter and in the draws. I placed my soap, shampoo and conditoner and my razor and the shelf in the shower, That was a light brown and sat very nicely on the wall. After unpacking that bag I decide to take a shower so I go over to my bed and open all the suitcases to see which one had my towels in it. It turns out the black one had my towels and my silk pink peter alexander PJS so I grab those out with a towel and lock my door. I than walk over to the shower and turn on the water getting undressed and getting in, I wash my hair and my body than after abt 5 mins there's a knock on my door.

"Rose your brother wanted me to let you know that were going out for dinner so be ready by 6" Ethan says threw the door.

"Ok, thanks" I say turning off the water and stepping out of the shower grabbing my towel. I than check my phone which read 5:06 just under an hour to get ready I think to myself as I wrap the towel around my body and open the drawers to get my hair dryer out. After I dry my hair a do a natural makeup look curling my lashes I than placed mascara over my eyes and put on lip gloss. I than go over to my bags to get my white dress out of my black suitcase and open my pink suit case to get a matching pair of white heels to go with the dress. After I finish doing my hair and changing I go out into the loungroom were my brother and Ethan are sitting on the couch.

"Were only going to a diner you didn't have to dress all fancy" Thomas says when he sees me while Ethan just looks at me shocked.

"This isn't fancy this is an everyday outfit" I snap back

"Whatever lets go" Thomas says walking out the door. I grab my bag and walk out with them, when we get to the front I start walking to the car.

"Were u going?" Ethan asks me

"To the car?" I say confused

"No silly girl, we work to this diner" he says smiling at me

"Oh, ok" I say walking back up to them. Than Ethan grabs my hand and starts holding it, it feels nice so I let him. Ethan is the opposite from my brother, Ethan is sweet, kid and caring and has never broken anyone's hearts since he never really finds interest in girls. Did I mention that Ethan is cute? With his dark brown hair and his turquoist eyes, but he's been Thomas's best friend since they were 6 so he's basically a brother to me. While Thomas is a complete Jerk who only knows how to break girls hearts you could say he's your typical Playboy, well arent all team captains  supposed to be?

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