On Chasing Sunsets

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Note: Lol it's been a while. Sorry for that... Um ENJOY!

Our friendship seemed to come suddenly after that; like the guzzling water of a river after the heavy fall of rain. There was barely a waking moment when I was not near Medusa's side or her near mine. And when we were not, it was not long before we were embracing the other's company as our own.

I soon learnt that the place I had taken residence in had once belonged to her. I had asked her why she no longer stayed there. She paused as though taken aback, however, answered, "I like to know the gods are watching over me, protecting me always. The temple of Athena gives me that promise."

Afterwards, I refrained from asking too many questions about her past choices as I found she frosted over like a river meeting the breath of winter's eve. I suspected Medusa's past was a topic she did not like, one that would remain hidden in the darkest parts of her mind and so I learned to accept the mystery surrounding her.

She, too, did not ask about my past. I like to think that Medusa and I shared some sort of an unconscious thread making it easy to comprehend when one of us felt nauseous surrounding something or perhaps someone.

Sitting quietly on the edge of my bed, I tried to decipher the sounds of Medusa's breathing against my own, but even as I did, I still struggled to pinpoint her exact location until she plopped herself beside me causing the makeshift mattress to sink under the added weight.

"Your skin is so cold," I said as I tried to suppress the shivers that threatened my spine. "It's like you're a lizard or snake in a human's body with how cold you always are." I laughed to myself. Medusa soon followed, however, instead of her usual hearty laugh I had grown so fond of was replaced with a strained gargle.

I let my chin fall down to my chest as my smile dissipated. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or something, I just meant that you must always be cold, you know?"

An arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"It's fine, really," Medusa said next to my ear whilst rubbing small circles with her thumb on my shoulder. The gesture was soothing and distracted my mind away from the previous discomfort.

"I am always cold," she continued, "Maybe it's a sign I need to go lie in the sun again." She pulled away from the embrace and giggled. I felt a tug at my arm now as Medusa beckoned me off of the bed and out into the blaze of nature.

The heat of Apollo's gaze sizzled on my skin. I felt somewhat repulsed, and I knew Medusa could tell.

"Why don't we spend our time under the foliage near the temple today? Perhaps we can forage for more berries to add to your garden," Medusa suggested, her voice a soothing harmony in the subtle chorus of chirping birds and the rush of the brutal sea.

As well as spending my time with Medusa, I had taken up gardening, something that I had very little time for before. My father had always insisted it to be an improper use of my time. But what he didn't know would not hurt him I suppose. Maybe one day I might have been able to share this new patch of life with him. Then he might enjoy it and perhaps cherish its giving nature as I did.

"Medusa?" I listened as she turned her body towards me, the warmth of her presence consuming me as she hummed her recognition.

"Tell me what the sky looks like." It was not so much a command, but also lacked the slight heightening of tone of which a question required. It was simply a request hanging in the air, waiting patiently to be held.

"Have you never seen the sky before?" she asked. I pictured her face, perfectly carved with her eyebrows furrowed and her nose scrunched. Oh, how beautiful she would be when we grew old together.

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