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-Jasmine POV-

So Chris hasn't been at school in a week I've been calling her phone I went to her house no answer. I've know she been on Facebook but cause I saw that she was on I texted on there no answer. I'm really trying to figure out why the hell is she ignoring me.I'm walking around the school and I see Liza ass smiling at me right now I'm looking for Chris's friend ummm Alex he knows whats going on cause Chris and him are hella close. I spot Alex walking down the street I ran to him.

Alexxxxxx. I yelled

Ooh uh hi. He said

Hey, wassup with Chris she have been ignoring me? I asked

Ummm. He said

Whats going on? I asked

Can we go somewhere private to talk about this? He asked

Yea. I said

Me and Alex walked to the park and sat in the grass.

Soooo you gonna tell me now? I asked

OK OK, Remember when I threw that party at my house? He asked

Yea so what about it? I asked

Well um I was down at the dance floor and Chris came downstairs all disey and she could barley walk Liza Chris's ex put some drug in Chris drink and Liza tried to fuck Chris to make it look like Chris cheated on you. He said slowly

When Alex said that I was filled with anger im so ready to find this bitch and beat that ass she messing with the wrong person i got up and I ran

-Alex POV-

So when I told Jasmine she just sat there and she got up and ran I followed her she ran to Chris house

Knock knock knock knock

Say it's you now! Jasmine yelled grabbing my shirt

Chris it's Alex bro open up

The door opened, Jasmine pushed the door open.

Why couldn't you tell me huh? Jasmine said pushing Chris

I walked in the house to see pills on the floor It looks like Chris been going through some shit

You could of texted me and told me well at least try to explain to me what happened! Jasmine yelled

Right after Jasmine yelled at Chris, Chris passed out cold.

Chrisssssssss babbbbbbby. Jamsine cried

OMG call the police. Jasmine yelled

I ran to Chris house phone and call for the ambulance to come.

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