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Caroline knocked on the door to Nora's house. She had ran out of ideas and needed someone who would do anything in this type of situation.Soon Nora came and opened it holding a bag. She had been preparing to leave and go and find Davina for Elena.  "Can I help you?"

"I came to ask you a favor?" Caroline wasn't sure if Davina had been hurt and she wanted someone to go and find her. 

"I'm kind of busy could this wait." Elena was her family and right now family was going to take priority. 

"Oh." Caroline guessed she could wait she was sure that if Davina needed help she would ask them about it.

Valerie walked past them she wanted to get on the road so they could bring her back safely and reunite her with her son. Because if it was one thing she didn't play about it was mothers and their kids. "I'm going to put them in the car do you want to go ahead and find her or am i."

"I'll do it. I'm sure Elena didn't tell her who she was sending." She wanted to make sure that they didn't scare her.  "I'll introduce myself it might make her feel better."

Caroline looked between the two of them she was now curious about what Elena wanted from them. "For Elena what are you guys doing for Elena."

"It's none of your business." What she was doing for her cousin was for her and her cousin to know only.

Mary-Louise walked out heading to the car she had tracked Davina and she knew they were going to have to go now to get there before anyone else. "I tracked her the Claire witch but if we want to get to her first I think that we need to go now. "

Caroline looked between them confused she knew they were close with Elena. But she didn't trust what they were doing for her. "You guys are tracking Davina Claire for Elena?"

Klaus didn't get why they would need to track Davina unless Elena wanted something from her. "Why are y'all tracking her?"

Nora glared over at Caroline not liking how she had just said her cousin's name. "Why'd you say her name like that?"

"Nora heel." Mary-Louise knew they didn't have time for this right now if they wanted to save her they were going to have to move fast.

Nora shook her head she knew Elena had said something had happened. Someone had made her mad and she had refused to talk about it. "No, if she has a problem with Elena then she has a problem with me."

"Elena doesn't like Davina." Caroline knew no matter what Elena said she didn't truly like Davina.

Nora chuckled she was about ready to end her she didn't like the way she was talking about her cousin. "I see where they get the blonds are idiots stereotypes."

Valerie walked over to them she wasn't sure what Caroline had done but it was clear Nora was about ready to kill her. But they had things they had to do she could worry about her later. "Nora we have to go we have no time to sit and try to argue with her right now."

"You just got lucky." Nora took a breath trying to calm herself down they were right Elena needed them to do this and she was going to have to focus cause they didn't have time to waste.

"Elena is sending us to protect Davina and kill every witch after her." Valerie didn't know much about it but she knew how Elena felt about family. She wanted to protect them she didn't want her stepson to lose his mother. "Elena called and asked for a favor that we protect her because she is the mother to Elena's stepson. That is what we are doing and if you ever say anything about her again I'll kill you."

Caroline scoffed of course she still wouldn't send Kol she just had to keep him all to herself. "She's sending you three but not Kol still insecure." 

"Let's go we deal with her later." Valerie wasn't sure what was up with Caroline but they would deal with her at a later moment.

Nora smirked she knew they would make sure that she knew better by the end of this. "Fine watch your back blonde and if you ever say anything about my cousin again you'll remember why you guys used to be scared of us."

"Cousin your 2 centuries older than her." Caroline didn't get where she was getting cousin from when she clearly was born centuries ago.

"I'm a Petrova lets go."

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