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Yep, got tagged by 

honnestly, this hasn't happened before, so it's kinda funny.

1. Do you like reading?

Ohoho, yes. I read nonstop in school, and I've become somewhat dependent on books to fall asleep.

2. Would you rather get a motorcycle or car license?

Motorcycles seem really cool, and I have no clue if I could rock that vibe, but I hope so. Unfortunately, they also scare me.

3. Sun or moon?

Preference-wise, moon. It's pretty, I can look at it, it changes, and there's a rabbit in it. But if I had to get rid of one, I'd have to keep the sun cause.. y'know... otherwise we'd all die.

4. What's your favorite drink?

Imma go with fruit tea w/ boba.

5. Do you like horror movies?

I've only seen part of one once. But I do love scary stuff, and I'm going to see the FNaF movie when it comes out soon.

6. Can you draw? If so, what do you like drawing?

Hhehe. Yup! Pretty much 90% of what I draw is Hermitcraft.

7. What was the most embarassing moment of your life?

Running out during a fire drill with no pants.

8. Do you have strict parents?


9. If you could go back in time and tell your past self something, what would it be?

"Recognize me? No? Well, long story short, pretty soon you'll stop being homophobic."

10. What kind of music do you listen to?

I haven't had much opportunity to listen to my own music in a while, but I do like Cavetown, Taylor Swift, the Oh Hellos, and anything that sounds goblincore.







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