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I was going down the stairs when i saw Cedrick standing by the fire place looking at something
When i was getting closer to them i realized he had shot another guy
There was blood everywhere
I felt sick to my stomach
I held my belly and covered my mouth
Cedrick got closer to me and guided me to the sink
I puked and he gave me a

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Your insane! I thought you'd change because I'm carrying your child but no! You're still the same!"
I slapped him hard and climbed back the stairs
He followed me to my room

"Why do you care!?" He shouted
He slapped me and pushed me to the floor

I started to feel pain on my belly and stomach
While holding my baby bump i tried to stand up but couldn't
I looked at the floor and saw blood
There was blood coming out of me

"What the hell!" Cedrick shouted
He carried me downstairs to his car
He droved me to the nearest clinic
He carried me inside

            *After 30 minutes*
"It was a threatened miscarriage miss Morales. You should be more careful, if not you might loose your baby" the OB said

"Yes doc, im sorry" i said while angrily looking at Cedrick

He guided me to the car
We drove back to his house
He carried me to his room

"Cedrick! Bring me back to my room" i spoked

"No, you'll sleep here" he whispered

"Pft! Seriously, im serious bring me back to my room" i said while starring at him

He didn't listen and locked the door he turned off the lights and only left the lamps

He wiped my face with a warm towel
And massaged my feet

I was shivering but I didn't said anything, he saw me shaking and placed the blanket on top of me

I looked at him and he smiled while i Stared blankly

"I hate you!" I whispered

"Im so sorry for my actions" he whispered while kissing my hand

"Hell nah! Your a crazy asshole!" I shouted

"Im so sorry it's just that, im used to that, I didn't know how to be a father because my father never treated me good, he killed my mother, i wanted to get revenge for what he did!"
He said

My blood went cold
I didn't respond and slept in his arms while holding my baby bump
            To be continued

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