• Chains •

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*Alanas POV*

We arrived at a large mansion in the middle of a forest. It wasn't a modern day house but more of a house with character. Large gates sat in front of it which automatically opened and soon we entered. Standing over the mansion were large trees and tall bushes making it look very hidden.

The car stopped out front of the house and Tom turned the engine off stepping out the car and walking up some stairs to the front door.

Gustav grabbed my arm and dragged me inside not far behind Tom. It was very nice inside and not many people were around. I thought there was other girls.

I didn't bother trying to wiggle around it was no use I had already tried.

We walked into the kitchen and there was 3 girls with revealing clothes on them. One doing dishes the other cleaning the counters and the last one mopping and sweeping the floor. They all stopped talking once we walked in and looked way more afraid.

They looked like normal girls just with loads of bruises and cuts covering there's arms and legs. Many hickeys plastered all over there neck and stomach and god knows where else.

Bill walked up behind the girl doing dishes placing his hands on her waist and his lips on her neck. He slowly and gently kissed her neck seductively and she let out a slight moan although she still had fear plastered on her face. He let go of her and began walking behind Tom.

Tom walked down a few hallways until we reached a wooden door.

"Just chuck her down here, I'll tell her what to do later I need a pint first" he said and Gustav nodded.

Gustav stepped infront of Tom and made his way down some stairs with the others not far behind.
Down the basement was loads of girls, many I would say around 50 something.

They were all skinny to the point their bones were almost visible through their skin. They were all covered in bruises and cuts and a few had hickeys like the last girls. They had chains round their wrists and they were all in dirty revealing clothes.

I got thrown on the floor as everyone watched including the girls. Georg helped Gustav to pin me down to the floor so I wouldn't go anywhere.

Bill walked past all the girls kicking a few and stepping on some of there hands as he reached the corner of the room. He picked some chains of the floor and made his way over doing the same thing to different girls.

He gave them to Gustav who wrapped them around my wrists then chained them against a peg in the floor. He smirked before he and Georg moved away and stood next to Tom and bill.

Tom leant over to whisper in my ear.

"Now you be a good girl otherwise there will be consequences" he smirked before walking back up the stairs with bill following behind him.

Georg took the tape of my mouth and then him and Gustav followed the other boys up the stairs as-well.

I was scared. The girls surrounding me looked all fragile and delicate and I knew that I would probably be in that state soon as well.

"You okay girl?" said one of the women I turned to look at my side and there sat a dark skinned girl with a bright smile on her face.

"Yeah just scared"

"Ofc your gonna be. I mean I would say there's nothing to be worried about but we all know that's a lie. I'm Angela"

"I'm Alana" she nodded and smiled.
"If you don't mind me asking, what did they do to you" I asked I mean I wanted to know what was gonna happen.

"A load of things bae, they beat me, starved me, raped me" my mouth flew open "I know crazy isn't it? Disgusting fuckers"

"How did you end up down here?" I asked I had a lot of questions

"Well he seduced me, he stopped me in the street and started flirting, kissing my neck, all of that shit and he asked if i wanted to go back to his, had sex with him then I woke up down here"

"Tom? He's a bastard he flirted with me and I found him fit so I did it as well and asked me about where I lived and shit"

"That's what he does, it's like he's hypnotising you into saying all your personal details" another girl chirped in I looked at her, she was sat next to Angela.

Red hair, freckles, rosy cheeks, fakes lashes, lip filler the lot she was truly stunning. She smiled at me too.

"This is tia btw" Angela said and Tia waved at me. I smiled at her

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