For the girls who have found their one special guy..

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For the girls who have found their one special guy. How do you know?


* When your thinking about him you can’t stop smiling.

* When your with him you never want to leave.

* When you hear his voice you feel like your in heaven.

* When you look at him you can’t believe that he’s yours.

* When he touches you it makes your whole body feel numb.

* When you kiss him you forget about the rest of the world.

* When you argue the first thing that comes into your mind is you are my everything and without you im nothing.

* When your around him you can’t help but be yourself.

* When someone else hug’s him you get that little bit insecure because in that moment they’re holding your world usually you think yourself all the time

* Is my hair okay?

* Is there anything on my face?

* Has my make up smudge?

But now…

* For every time you think of yourself you think of him twice as much.

* You try to focus on something important but he’s still there right at the front of your mind .

* When your friends are having problems with their guy you think to yourself. I hope me and him don’t have this problem.

* When he says we need to talk your world comes crashing down because your first thoughts are he’s going to end it. But really he’s telling you that he could never feel the way he does for you for anyone else.

If that’s what you feel like with your guy hold on to him because that’s your one special guy. :)

For the girls who have found their one special guy..Where stories live. Discover now