Levi Ackerman (edited)

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His Masterpiece | Levi Ackerman Artist AU ゚。

You are a small-town artist who goes to an art exhibition in New York City and you get noticed by one of the biggest artists in modern day art, Levi Ackerman. After traveling across the ocean, by Levi's request, you end up in France to help Levi run his Art Gallery there.

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"Hey, I need you to run to the store for some things." Levi said, coming in to the kitchen of his flat, it was pretty normal for you to run his errands. "Okay." You said happily, covering the chicken you were making for dinner. He smiled slightly, more like a smirk, and handed you a list of things he needed.

You had been helping him out a lot lately around his gallery and home. You did live with him since you were his apprentice but you had your own room and he tended to maintain your privacy. With the gallery and work space downstairs, it only made sense. You usually cooked but if you didn't, you always made sure he had food and not takeout every day of the year. You wanted to help him a little more around the house but Levi tended to beat you to it. Thank goodness he cleans up after himself, even in his studio downstairs.

You read over the list and paused at one of the items. Why does Levi need those?  You thought to yourself before shrugging it off and grabbing a light jacket before running to the corner market. The air was a little chilly as you walked down the road to the shop on the corner. Being a small town, about an hour south of Lyon, you hadn't expected them to have such a wide selection of Levi's every desire and necessity but he apparently had some kind of deal arranged with the owners of the general store.

One of the things you appreciated most about the area was the architecture. Beautiful stone buildings with plenty of greenery. There were plants hanging off balconies, growing in vines up the sides of most buildings, they even wound themselves around stairs and railings. Every building was expertly crafted with intricate carvings and other details. many of the buildings had been there for a long time and only recently been repurposed as apartments and shops. You imagine it was tricky to preserve the authenticity of the architecture but they had done a good job. It made you feel at ease.

To your knowledge, Levi paid the owner of the corner shop good money to keep all of his paint stocked in case he ever ran out of a color and didn't have the time to order or go pick up more from a shop in Lyon. This benefited both Levi and the community as he didn't have stores of paint cluttering his space and the citizens of the small city had access to high quality materials. You entered the shop and were surrounded with that old building musk and something cooking upstairs, undoubtedly coming from the owner's apartment. You smiled at Jean, the owner, before approaching the counter. Taking a quick look around and seeing no other customers, you just handed him the list, which had each color name written down. "He needs these colors today." You said kindly.

Jean retreated to the back where he kept Levi's paint as you browsed the small selection of convenience goods. Hearing a little rustling from the storage room, he reemerged with a few small tubes of Levi's preferred oil paint, a quite expensive brand if you ask any small artist. He started to ring you up and asked, "You guys up to something tonight?" You frowned. "What do you mean?" In response, Jean smirked and held up the list featuring Levi's sophisticated scrawl. "Condoms?"

Your cheeks flushed a deep crimson color. How could you forget that he had written them down when you yourself had been perplexed by their appearance on the list just moments before? "What- oh um... Those aren't- what I mean- I'm not with him. We're just coworkers!" You suddenly exclaimed, covering your mouth in embarrassment. You could feel heat creep up onto your cheeks as you buried your face in your hands.

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