Looked Up at Me and My Dark Curly Hair

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Argos hummed, sweeping the halls of the palace.

Although he was royalty, there was only a few people in the palace. Specifically his family. The oldest ruler whom was still ruling was his great-grandfather, he was also Banana Leaf!

No servants, maids, knights, or anything more were in the palace. It was dusty and kind of ruined if it weren't for Argos. His family was never particularly close.

Then again, to his assumption, he rarely ever saw his family interact.

Argos hasn't seen his mother or father in a while after their trip to a different kingdom. He doesn't have many friends, or anyone, really.

So many of his family members were confined in the locked spaces between the folds of the seemingly never ending palace. It was lucky Argos got so used to this, or he would've been so dizzy he'd never make it back out!


Upon Argos finishing up his sweeping and basic care-taking managements of the house, he decided it would be time to meet up with Mr. Plant, right on the dot it was time to leave! Argos had to keep everything in an organized schedule, or else he'd never remember anything!

He fixed up his appearance neatly, putting on his shoes. "I'm heading out now Great-Grandfather!" He waved at the throne.

The skeleton sat, vacant and empty on top of the silver-embedded throne, eyes watched as Argos said goodbye.

"Oh! Wait a second!" He stopped in his tracks, "Goodbye Palace! Have a good day, I'll be back to clean you up later!" The Palace looked at him, the small view of the prince to the incredibly large structure.

It's eyes watched, moving with each step Argos took away from the castle. The slight shift and sound each click from his shoes made.

A small grin extended from Argos' face, his ecstatic smile as the butterflies fluttered in his stomach. He had a friend, someone to talk to.

It was like fate!

He's always read fairytales, stories where two characters meet and fall in love, yet, he's never thought of that happening to him, of course, it was always lovely to meet someone!

Most of the people he's met were terrified of him, whispers thrown around and rumors given like candy to children.

It was awful, but now, it would all change, because someone at least tolerated him!

Argos practically skipped to the library, peering in as he saw someone dusting a bookshelf. He opened the door and waved ecstatically.

Mr. Plant didn't seem fazed by this, simply glancing at the door and going back to rearranging shelves and shelves of books or whatnot. Argos sat inconspicuously at one of the tables, staring at him uncomfortably.

The library was surprisingly well-managed for a singular employee, several rows containing immense books and knowledge within it's facilities, a corridor for each entry that beheld the information of years.

"..Do you need any help?" Argos inquires, a brightened smile coming from him that felt odd to the other.

Mr. Plant shakes his head, shabbily walking over to the front desk and sitting down. No other response as the chair makes an awful screeching noise from being pulled out underneath from the wooden desk.

Empty silence fills through the air, Argos' stares from beyond, for anyone else, this should've been unsettling. Brutal eyes stabbing into the flower's condensed appearance and content look as he read. A foot tapping the floor in a rhythmic way.

 Of course, since it was a library, every once in a while the bell from the door would chime.

A lovely person would walk through the door, check out a book or stay for a while with the theme of seeing Argos and immediately taking a book out of it's facilities and ranging to see the farthest table away from him.

How sad, it would be kind for someone to talk to him.

Eventually though, after the silence happened to get to loud, or, the thickening sense of people being here without any thought, bothered him. It seemed to be bothering Mr. Plant too, at least when Argos happened to feeling someone staring at him from the front desk and seeing the flowered fellow embarrassingly tilt his head away in a fast-paced erratic motion.

Hearing footsteps wander towards the front desk, although in a quick manner, was something new from the thickened appearance of aggression flowing through the air.

"Excuse me --" A quickened snap towards his newfound friend's face left Argos curious at the person with a gift on their head. "-- This book was extremely unsatisfying after I bought it from the library, I can't believe something like this is here!"

Ignorant complaints and muffled whispers from others were heard in the room.

Mr. Plant simply glanced at the woman in slight aggravation from her, wishing she'd leave to his precarious situation.

He attempted to communicate through the woman with writing, holding a paper up that wrote, "I don't have any opinion on which book you buy, but it's very explicit that if you buy a book, you cannot return it unless submitted through a specific forum."

The woman sighed, clearly horrifically upset. "Well I don't have time for that, I need a way to get this out of my storage!"

Once again, Mr. Plant tried to communicate, being cut off at his notepad being snatched away by the woman for attempting to reason with her.

The woman aggressively snapped, "Just take the book!" Argos pondered the woman's sense of mind, disliking how she was treating Mr. Plant.

Well, he couldn't sit and do nothing, maybe he could get her to leave!

"Miss, I can take the book for you if you don't want it!" Argos hummed after tapping her on the shoulder happily and full of eager content.

The woman's eyes lit up, "Really? Thank you so --" As she looked back, her words paused, staring straight at Argos' eyes through his veil. Suddenly, a wretched scream came from her voice. An awful high-pitched gasp for air as she dropped the book and fell onto her knees.

Scratched blood-gurgling noises came from her, she looked awful as life seemed to have drained out of her eyes. "Miss - are you okay?"

Argos was panicked, trying to help her, but it was no use. The lifeless corpse sat on the ground, her eye sockets vacant and devoid of anything as crimson-marked stains were dripped messily in arching patterns.

Many people ran out of the library, crying and shocked at the morbid scene.

Mr. Plant? He wasn't fazed at all, looking at Argos somewhat thankful. Meanwhile he was internally panicking and was extremely upset for doing this, again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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