Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day, the one day of the year full of reckless consumerism, last-minute date plans and the occasional outburst of 'why don't you celebrate love like this every day', but at the heart of it all, the traditions and celebrations that would occur on this day were about the love that everyone shared and the people they shared it with, whether they had plans to go to dinner or catch a movie, spend the night in or go out for a night they would never forget, everyone was looking forward to their plans, unfortunately for a certain middle schooler with a brown ponytail, her plans for the day weren't going to turn out how she had hoped 

Lynn Jr. angerly: What do you mean practice is cancelled 

She was unable to believe what her best friend had just told her 

Margo shrugged: Sorry, Lynn, Coach and his wife are going out, and most of the team have dates, so there wasn't much point in having training today 

Lynn huffed, crossing her arms angerly 

Lynn Jr. angerly: Just great 

Margo: Come on, Lynn, you must have seen this coming, I'm surprised you aren't doing something with Francisco, I thought you liked him 

Lynn's harsh glare lessened, her arms coming uncrossed and falling back down to her sides 

Lynn Jr.: Well, I do, but, he never asked me 

Margo frowned: Oh, sorry 

Lynn Jr.: It's fine, he's probably busy or something, I think he has practice today at his school 

Margo: Well, maybe you can--- 

She was interrupted by a text alert, pulling out her phone, she looked at the message she had received and blushed, then looked back at Lynn 

Margo: Listen, I need to go, Elliot asked me to be his Valentine, and our movie is in twenty minutes 

Lynn Jr. smirked: You and Elliot, huh, about time he asked you out, you've only been waiting since, what, you met him 

Margo's blush grew at the friendly teasing 

Lynn Jr.: Yeah, go on, don't keep him waiting, and let me know how it goes tomorrow 

Margo: Thanks, Lynn, and don't worry, just call Francisco and do something together 

Margo: Yeah, yeah, yeah, now go on 

Margo chuckled as she walked away, waving goodbye to Lynn, as Lynn saw her friend walk off, she thought about the advice she had received, and shrugged 

Lynn Jr.: Guess it couldn't hurt to give him a call 

She almost felt herself get giddy as she pulled out her phone and began to search through her contacts for her crush, thinking about what they could possibly get up to, she eventually found his number and her thumb hovered over the call button, before something caught the corner of her eye, a small tuft of white hair, passing by a building 

Lynn Jr.: There's only one person I know in this town with white hair, and I know he didn't tell us about any plans he had 

She looked back at her phone, taking a moment before turning it off and putting it back in her pocket 

Lynn Jr.: I can call Francisco later, right now, I should see what he's up to 

Running across the street, she dashed down the sidewalk, careful not to knock anyone over as she passed them by, when she turned the corner, she looked ahead and her suspicions were confirmed, up ahead was her white-haired younger brother Lincoln, the eleven-year-old, wearing his typical orange polo and blue jeans, had just crossed the street, and seemed to be looking around, to Lynn, it seemed as if he was making sure that he wasn't being followed, which was sending red flags in her mind 

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