Birthday (Will x Damien) p2

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A/n sorry for the spelling errors in the last chapter I just saw it. Yes I know that's Lyn lapid shush

     "Oh!" Will gasped. "That makes sense, can I join you and this other person?"
      "Uh.." Damien trails off. He didn't know what to say. He stuttered, "I don't know if the person would be comfortable with that. I said it would only be me. You can stay down stairs though!" He didn't want Will to feel left out. He loved Will, he really did, but sometimes he can be a bit... Spacey. This was one of those times. That worried Damien. He never knew what he was thinking. And he never spoke out about it to Damien.
     "Oh. Uh, nah its alright. I'm gonna go to the castle. See ya!" Will smiled as he walked away. Damien shook his head and walked up the stairs. He looked around and saw the usual, kids flying around on broomsticks, people actually studying, and people smoking weed. He walked around the large bookshelves and looked for Lyn. Lyn was a tall witch with golden glasses and always wore black dresses (see image above) and had short black hair. She was so different from what Damien experienced when he worked for the king. All of those girls were nice, but Lyn was more literal.
     "Ah!" Damien bumped into someone. He fell into two books.  "Sorry.. " he stood up to see Lyn. "Oh! Hello Lyn! I need your help finding potion books."
     "Sure, little man." Lyn always liked to make fun of Damien's height since he was more on the shorter side. She was wearing platform shoes, though. She walked towards the brown counter and typed something into the computer. Damien stood across from her. "Uh, what book specifically?" She looked up.
      "Uhh," he didn't realize that he forgot to find a actual book. "I guess just the section. Where is it?" She nodded.
      "Follow me." She smiled. "Dumbass" she muttered loud enough for him to hear but not loud enough for others to hear. She snickered and continued to walk around the library. She stopped near the stairs and pointed towards the computers. "Left to the computers." She smirked.
      "Ah, alright. Thanks." He yawned. Lyn looked away, her cheeks becoming red. "Hm? He stared at her, then looked towards the computers to find a short female sitting and reading a wattpad. She had short curly hair but he couldn't see the rest of her face.
     Why go to the library if you're just gonna read a wattpad? Damien shook his head. "You like her, don't you~?" He teased.
    "N-no! Shut the fuck up!" She put her hand to cover his mouth.  She pushed him further from the computers
    "Ew! Were you licking me!?" Damien stuck his tongue out and laughed.
     "Aw, young love." He smiled. "What's her name? How old is she? Tell me more." He raised both eyebrows.
     "Ugh, fine" she groaned.
❤ ❤ ❤

A/n I'm so so sorry for the wait!!!! School is being a bitch and I had an F in this one class that I'm great at.. Ik this won't like actually blow up til later but to y'all who are reading this now, <3. I'm so sorry for the short chapter. Next week will def be longer.
Anyways, QOTD; who's ur favorite hooky character? Mine is Damien and Nico.

Words: 564

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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