Chapter 5

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"When I was younger, I was told I was going to have a little brother. I remember being so excited to be a big sister. When he was born my parents even let me name him, so I named him Light, because he'd brightened my world.

"I would do everything with Light, we'd play together, eat together, When I learned to read, I'd read to him. For four years, he was my entire world," tears formed in her eyes, she was unsure if she could finish this story.

"And then what happened?" Luca asked, looking up at her curiously.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to," Levi added, but he also seemed incredibly interested.

That alone was enough to keep Alex going. They had to know.

"One day, our parents took us to the park, the same park we met in Levi. We played tag, looked at nature and then it was time for a snack. After we ate, Mom and Dad said it was time to go home, they had to start cooking the empanadas, but Light and I insisted on one last game. We wanted to play hide and seek.

"They agreed, as long as it was the very last game, so I counted. I counted as high as I could and then I went to look for him, only I couldn't find him, after that day, no one could. I never saw Light again, until today that is.

"That's why I don't like you two fighting. If something were to happen, I don't want your last memories of each other to be tainted with pointless bickering," she finished.

Levi looked at her with sympathy in his eyes, "I'm sorry, I couldn't imagine if- I couldn't bear to lose someone like that."

She had a good guess of what he was going to say, "It's okay, I was sad about it for a while now, but thanks to you, I have a second chance."

"It all makes sense now!" Luca exclaimed, "When I first met Light, Sora told me to keep quiet, because someone was after him. That someone was you!"

"I thought Sora didn't trust you," Alex said.

"He used to!" they said, "But he doesn't anymore. I get it, sometimes I wouldn't trust me either."

"You're trustworthy enough," Levi said.

"You're just saying that because you're supposed to."

Alex wanted to say something, but she was cut off by a peculiar sound. The sound was akin to playing cards fluttering in the wind.

"What are they doing here?!" Luca whispered to his brother.

"This is what we get for stalling!" he whisper-shouted.

Alex was confused, "Who are they?"

"The queens cards," Levi said, "They don't usually come out here, maybe they're looking for us."

"That doesn't make any sense," Alex replied, "You said they wouldn't know unless someone snitched."

Levi grumbled, "Maybe it was Sora or even Light."

"Light wouldn't do that," Luca reassured, "And he wouldn't let Sora do it either. They're probably here for the berry bush. Light said they wanted to cut it down."

"What'll we do?" Alex asked, "We can't just run, that'll be suspicious!"

"We can't stay here either!" Levi said, "The queen doesn't know you exist and I'm not supposed to be here."

"I've got this," Luca said, "They won't be expecting you two but it's completely normal if I go and talk to them. Then you guys can get away while they're distracted."

With that they snuck through the undergrowth, not wanting to give away Alex and Levi's position. Alex watched as they popped out of a bush on the opposite side of the guards and began engaging in a conversation with them.

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