Chapter 7

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Hey ya'll- sorry for the long wait but here is chapter 7. I have been procrastinating also about this chapter but here ya go.


"So what's the plan this time Will?" Moran asked looking over at the blonde who was pinning a sheet of paper onto the workboard. Everyone was stationed in the basement which is where most of their meetings on ridding their target and sending them 'back down to hell'. Their newest client had just left after sharing the terrible story of what the target did to them and their family, after hearing it William accepted their request to 'make him pay' and so the planning began. He plans to create a game to play with the detective, a game that rattles his mind. A challenge. When they meet up for dinner, he wonders what the detective will say. Would he be challenged? Struggling? Or would he excel in the case and showcase the truth like he always does? Well no matter the outcome, William is certainly excited to watch it play out and see his detective on the field.


After hearing his name being called William snaps his attention back and away from his thoughts. "Well our target is Lord Archard Harrington who from our client's intel, has quite a rather curious hobby in distributing a certain illegal drug to "patients" that causes them to act out irrationally and have a sort of addiction to it and so he continues to exploit them."

"How come no one from Scotland Yard or Sherlock Holmes is aware of a case such as this?" asked Fred.

"There is a possibility that they may have but Lord Harrington is a liar and powerful- two things that make him untouchable as well as keeping the business secret. Yet if discovered paying people up or forcing them to work for him if they remain silent has been his tactics."

"How disgusting," Bond mumbled but enough for William to hear.

"Indeed, so the plan is...."

(Summary: Fred goes to the manor dressed as a doctor and well-known friend of Lord Harrington to collect the new shipment of the pills. They then head to the docks where then Moran will fire several shots. As Harrington is trying to escape, he jumps into the ocean and drowns- to the public it is to be seen as suicide)

"Well, it sure is something William but what about Holmes?" Albert asks, turning to his brother with a slight smirk on his face.

"What about him brother?"

Albert merely smiled and shook his head. "Nevermind... It is none of my business what relationship you have with the detective so long as the plan stays in motion."

Will froze

Of course, Albert worked it out

Though his feelings for the detective are still something that he is trying to understand one thing is clear.... He does care for the detective- very much. So much so that he started overthinking if he had been causing the detective to stress about his crimes. He had noticed dark circles under his eyes the last time they met when he...."I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline that offer professor~ but I promise I'll tell you another time" What a flirt the detective was... Saying such things... That makes his cheeks flush but also makes his thoughts darken... was it his fault that he declined his offer? Were his crimes the reason why Sherlock had not been sleeping well? He couldn't bare the thought of Sherlock- tired, puzzled, and probably a little annoyed or in Moran's words "a little pissed off". He wanted to make sure that his- the detective was... Okay.

But he couldn't say that to his brother or the rest of the group.

"I don't know what you mean brother- do you suggest we do something else?" he asked.

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