Tagged, Orlo edition

12 3 4

1. Name

Orlo, obviously. My last name is for me to know and for you to never find out ;D

2. Hobbies


3. age and birthday

I'm 16- I've not celebrated my birthday in who knows how long- I have no idea :D I just keep track by the year-

4. Best mate

A bunch of people!

5. Hair colour

I'm adding hairstyle too cause I'm slay like that; short on the sides fluffy and messy on the back front and top... also Jet black in colour

6. Biggest fear(s)

Fear of abandonment and the unknown...also loud noises

7. Cats or dogs

Difficult choice.. wolves! Technically dogs?

8. Current mood

B o r e d

9. Last book I read

Uh...book on dragons!

10. what I hate about myself

My height ;—; I'm supposedly an elf- IM 5'1?!

11. What I like about myself

My eyes and my shapeshifting abilities!

Tag 5 people

N a h... I shall not continue the chain of endless torment...I mean- I would... but I have no one that I can tag and not get yelled at, sooooo

I got tagged- send helpWhere stories live. Discover now