Chapter 1

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"YOU GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT DEAN WINCHESTER" I screamed at the to of my lungs. But all I got in return was a cheeky smile and dean took off with my custard pie, out of the motel room and straight to the impala. However, i knew what would work. I plodded into Sammy's room and plopped down on his bed. "Sammyyyyyy Dean stole my pie again!" I complained. Sammy looked up from his laptop and gave me a quick once over. I looked down self consciously and realised i was only wearing Dean's plaid button up shirt. Sam's eyes glazed over and I turned away awkwardly . Things were awkward between us ever since a couple of weeks ago, when Sam and i had had a moment in the back of the impala. Now it was usually awkward between us, but i thought i could use it to get my way today. It turns out i thought right, because Sam sighed, got up and went out the door. A couple of seconds later, he returned with my pie in his hand and walked over to where i was sitting and handed it to me. He then leaned over and whispered "You really shouldn't do that sort of thing to me, it might end up with you in the wrong position. " I looked up at him, and opened my mouth to answer, but before i could, he'd gotten up and gone back to research. I shrugged then walked back into my room with my pie and found Dean sitting on my bed. "Uh hey Dean, what ya doing there?" I asked, curious as to if he would be angry or not. "Not much, just EATING THE REST OF YOUR PIES" he said then laughed evilly. I smiled then said "fine, two of us can play at this game." I got up, grabbed my bags and went into Sam's room and promptly sat myself down on his bed. Dean followed me into the room to see what I was doing and walked in on me sitting on Sam's bed. He just looked at me blankly and said "fine. If that's how it's going to be. I'll just be on my way then." and turned and walked out of the door. I stood up and followed "Dean, wait" I called. Dean spun around with a very angry look on his face. I thought we were just joking around until he looked at me that way. "No, you made your choice. Go to him. Go be happy with my brother" He spat venomously. I slowly looked up to meet his eyes and shook my head "No Dean, you don't get to shove me away like the rest of your problems. I'm here. This is real, this is us."  he shook his head and got into the car. "Dean Winchester! You get out of that car right now! Listen to me! Please..." The rumble of the impala's engine is the only answer I got. As the car pulled away the only thing i saw was Dean's emotionless face shed a single tear. The only thing I felt was the stony gravel under my knees and the cold tears run down my face. "Hey, hey hey what's up!?!" I heard Sam call from across the parking lot, then i felt his warm arms around me and pull me off the ground and into his chest. "let's get you inside" he murmured to himself. He almost had to drag me inside the room. Once he got me inside, he sat me down on the  bed. "What happened?" he asked, pulling me closer to him. I looked up and smiled fondly at him. "He ate my pie and we got into a silly fight because he thought I was choosing you over him..." I trailed off uncertainly. Sam sighed and pulled me closer as a sob racked my body.

Wand I leaned away to see Dean Winchester's very green eyes looking straight at me. He leaned in once more and whispered in my ear "you're very cute when you threaten me" I raised my chin and stepped back, but not before rolling my eyes at him.  "No, Lani, you can't leave me.." Sam said while doing his famous puppy dog eyeshen I calmed down a bit, I found my way under the covers, and soon after that I fell asleep. I don't remember dreaming that night, but when I woke early the next morning to two unmistakeable voices I already wished i hadn't woken up. By the sounds of things the boys were next door in mine and Dean's room and were having a rather loud conversation about yours truly. I sighed gently, straining my ears to hear his voice, but I couldn't make out much. I didn't move a muscle and soon it was easier to hear what they were saying. "maybe we should just split up for a bit Sammy, we could cover more ground that way..." he said in a monotonous voice. I felt tears welling up in my eyes, I hadn't heard him speak in that tone since John died. I decided to get up right then and there and make my final stand. Dean wouldn't leave Sammy, not if I had anything to do with it. So I walked out there, still half asleep and with a half packed bag and announced in a vey unsteady voice "No you frickin' don't Dean Winchester. You stay here and do your job. Look after your annoying butt holeish younger brother, or so help me god I will hunt you down and...." I was interrupted before I could make my awesome threat, because someone very rudely kissed me, and before I could stop myself I kissed back. And then it stopped and I leaned away to see Dean Winchester's very green eyes looking straight at me. He leaned in once more and whispered in my ear "you're very cute when you threaten me" I raised my chin and stepped back, but not before rolling my eyes at him. "No, Lani, you can't leave me.." Sam said while doing his famous puppy dog eyes. I groaned and smiled a little, until Dean spoke up "If you're going anywhere without me you may want to put some pants other wise i may have a problem letting you go anywhere that's not my bed" He said in an unusually deep voice. Sammy laughed and rolled his eyes at Dean. Dean moved over to me and looped his arm around my waist and drew me into a long passionate kiss. I lost myself, all self control went out the window and I turned, pressed my body into him and wound my arms around his neck. We were interrupted by Sam clearing his throat loudly. "It seems like you guys have a lot of catching up to do.." he murmured. I laughed while Dean nuzzled my neck and inhaled deeply. "You weirdo! Quit sniffing me!" I exclaimed, giggling. Although it had only been just over 24 hours since dean had left, I missed him like crazy. "Uh okay guys, I'm going to pack up my stuff, and then we'll get going, right?" Sam asked quietly. Dean nodded and Sam gave us one last smile and then walked out.

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