018. 'i hear the ocean from far away'

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"It's different from what destiny suggests

We share the same painful views"

         NEVER DODIE HAD THOUGHT SHE would miss the feeling of the icy wind blowing against her face. The wind when flying was so different to feeling the wind on the ground or on water. She hated it at first, but now it felt almost like a privilege to be able to feel such a moment of solace. Honestly, it also somewhat reminded her of Blackjack. And now she was missing Blackjack — he was such a sweetheart.

"Tell me when it's over," Snapping out her dream-like daze, Dodie had just noticed that Thalia was keeping her eyes completely shut tight.

Even though they were being held by the statues so they wouldn't fall, Thalia still clutched onto his arm like her life depended on it, and as if it was the most important thing in the world.

Dodie's smile took on a devious edge as she leaned in and spoke to Thalia with calculated confidence. "Thalia, love, it seems we've got ourselves a few more hours flight with Mr. Angel here," she remarked slyly, her words dripping with amusement. Beside her, Percy shot her an intrigued and slightly bewildered glance. "I suggest we sit back, relax, and enjoy the show because this little ride isn't going to reach its destination anytime soon."

"What?" Thalia freaked, "Are we heading to Australia or something?!"

"Wouldn't that be a riot, eh?" Dodie's smile stretched from ear to ear, earning an amused eye roll from Percy.

"Dodie's just messing with you. Everything's fine," Percy reassured her.

"Then, um... are we, like, really high up?" Thalia asked, her voice tinged with nervousness.

Looking down, there was a range of snowy mountains zipping by. Dodie saw Percy stretch out his foot and he was able to kick off the snow from one of the peaks.

"Oh, we're near the stratosphere, sweets!" Of course, that was a big exaggeration. If they were actually near the stratosphere, they wouldn't be able to breathe due to how thin and dry the air would be.

But Thalia didn't know that now, did she?

However, before Dodie could be satisfied by Thalia's look of horrors, Percy lightly flicked Dodie's forehead.

"OUCHIE!" She glared at him.

"She's lying. Again. We're not that high," said Percy.

"Way to ruin all the fun," huffed Dodie, leaning her chin on the angel's hand.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now