perdacon problem

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i saw my child onyx running over to me and hugged my legged I sat down, and steel smiled to see me with my child I heard. predaking pinned me down "traitor" he growls I tried to calm him down steel told him what happened. he took a deep breath and left " where's knockout dad?" I asked. " Your boyfriend is in the med bay"  i walk to the med bay to see if knockout is ok " SOOO... knockout is your spark mate." yes now keep going I don't want star scream, or the others to hurt you.'' I saw knockout and gave him a kiss " night?" knockout said yes, I am here knockout" i purred " well see you later steel i said while snuggling knockout. " Well ok bye then night see you later" steel said has a space bridge opened and left.  I waved goodbye to her and went back to our room to spend, some time with my knockout. 

It has been 2 months since I saw steel I was happy with my knockout and my child while me and knockout were sending onyx to the. auto bot base for a play date with one of steels kids but as onyx went thew the portal Megatron went in and asked use what we were doing i tried my best to explained but Megatron saw right threw my lies and shot me in the back  i transformed and ran away. with knockout i called steel and told her what happened the cave we were in was falling down on us and everything went dark i felt someone or something pick me up and took me somewhere where are they taking me is it the Decepticons or.... steel i slowly open my eyes and saw steel holding me. I weakly whine of pain I tried to say some but i am too weak to say anything. Steel knew that I was too weak to say anything. she put me on the med bay and say" your safe now rest now." I close my eyes and fell asleep

*This is nightshift flying away for a another story*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 story from my dear friend steel glider prime                                                                        

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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