Chapter One

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REMINDER, I do not claim the drself as mine, it's 1sharkiee's on tiktok !

One thing Touya understood at a very young age, he wasn't enough. No one would ever like him like others liked his siblings, especially his younger brother. He was one year older than him but somehow, Shoto was always the one people looked at. He was just "Todoroki's big brother" in school.

But everything seemed to change when she entered in his life.

School wasn't as boring as before. He surprised himself waiting for lunch just to eat with her and hearing her talk about her day. He would pretend he was just passing by her classroom after classes to walk back to the dorms with her. Clearly, Aiko Sakurai was very special to him, but he couldn't really say how much she was so. He was often wondering if she wasn't her friend just because of his siblings anyways.

He stopped overthinking when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He was like always waiting for her in front of class A classroom. She was with Shoto this time.

« Do you guys always go home together ?, asked the bicolor, surprised. How haven't I seen you before ?

— I forgot to tell you. It isn't a big deal, right...? » asked Touya, kinda afraid of Shoto joining them in their « routine ». He really did love his brother but didn't want him to ruin the only moment he had alone with Aiko.

« I'm sure it isn't. Well, I really have to go to the dorms now, we have the biggest history exam tomorrow and I don't even know which chapter we're working on. » said the brown haired girl, desperate.

« Maybe I could help you.

— What ? You never got higher than 30 in history, how are you gonna help her ? » said Shoto, confused, making Aiko laugh.

« Hey, I don't need to be a genius to make her recite a lesson !

— I would love to. But maybe not here ? I'm starving right now. » she said, hungrier than ever.

« I think Ashido talked about a new cafe near...

— Let's go there then. »

Touya didn't even let his brother finish his sentence that he gently grabbed Aiko by her wrist and went straight ahead the school portal. Even himself didn't know why he was reacting like that, but luckily the Sakurai didn't seem confused.

« I'm kinda surprised you're motivated enough to help me with this exam. Don't you have work to do too ?

— Well, I never do my homework. I'm a born genius.

— ... Right.

— Enough about me, how are you doing ?

— I'm totally stressed out. I'm always searching for an internship but I can't find a good one...

— I see. » Touya seemed to think a bit before having an idea. « Hey, why wouldn't you come with me in my dad's agency ? I'm sure he would agree with that.

— You really think so ? I don't know, he scares me a bit to be honest.

— Nah don't worry, he just seems scary. And i will be here to protect you whenever. » Touya said with a confident look as Aiko giggled a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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