What Do I Feel For This Women (chapter 6)

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Its been like week since you and verosika have started hanging out more and more like good friends

But now you start blushing every time you see her

You wake up on the couch in your apartment

You get a notification on your phone

Its from verosika

Verosika: hows the little bitch doing😉

Y/N: the bitch is doing fine😌

Verosika: good to hear. Your gonna come to work?🤔

Y/N: you know i will🙃

You get up from the couch and leave for work

You walk to the building and get in the elevator

You walk out of the elevator and see vortex standing outside of the studio

Y/N: yo whats up brother from another mother

Vortex: hey

You both highfive couse you two are very good friends

You walk into the studio

Y/N: hey guys

Ace: hey

Kiki: whats up Y/N

You walk near them but somthing hugs you from behind and you hear a voice

Verosika: wheres the little bitch going? (*trying to tease you as always now*)

You blushies alittle before saying
Y/N: n-nowhere

Verosika: That's good

She lets go of you before talking

Verosika: so i know its kinda boring when we just here couse we really do nothing

Kiki: yeah

Ace: kinda true

Milky: mhm

Verosika: so how about we go to the beach

Verosika: do at least somthing then just stay here

Coco: yeah sounds like a good idea

Coco: yeah sounds like a good idea

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