Chapter 4

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By the time we finished filming the Super Bowl ad, we had to race towards the stadium to make it for rehearsal. First was a sound check, and then a quick run through tonight's performance before a light dinner. I always made sure to eat something before and after. On my first tour, I fainted in the middle of a performance and scared everyone to death. The newspapers called it dehydration. Lesson learned.

Sloane and I chewed on granola bars as we sat in rush hour traffic. I looked out the window lost in thought while she caught up on calls and emails. Filming the ad had gone well but the director wanted to do multiple takes and ad-lib since it was part of his creative process. We did so many takes I lost track of time. But we would get to see the final product before it went live. That was in the 10-page contract we had signed earlier in the year. And I never did any deals without getting my legal team involved, not after what happened years ago.

After the mic check, Sloane and I finally had a minute to ourselves as I got my makeup and hair done backstage. "So, Tyler Riley huh?" She said, raising a perfectly drawn eyebrow. I shrugged, "I had to think on the spot. And he's cute."

Even though I cheered for the Hawks, it was hard to look away from the most famous tight end in history when he came onto the TV screen and did one of his signature dance moves. My family and I used to religiously watch football on Sunday together but I hadn't watched any games lately. Being on tour didn't leave you with a lot of uninterrupted free time. Still, his handsome face was hard to forget. Tall, ocean blue eyes, light brown hair. Just my type. Minus the athlete part.

Sloane grinned devilishly while munching on some almonds. "There are a lot of other words I would use to describe him but cute isn't one of them. I heard he's single though." I gave her a look. She knew about my no athletes rule. And besides, athletes, whether they were single or not, usually had no issue getting any female attention. Single does not always equal available.

Mira, who does my make up and hair, whistled while running a comb through my hair. "And he has a great ass. Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop." We all laughed.

"It was just one of those questions they ask you during interviews," I explained. "He was the first person that came to mind."

"I bet they were hoping you would say James. You guys are so private. They will take any morsel and run with it." Mira said.

James. I felt my smile fade. He wanted to talk at night after I was done with my show but I probably wouldn't get back to the hotel until after 11pm and it would be the crack of dawn for him. None of this was ideal. It's been a huge challenge all year. Before we were with each other 24/7 and now not to sound dramatic but I could barely even remember what he looked like.

"You alright girl?" said Mira, her large eyes looking at me in the mirror. I shook myself out of the negative head space and smiled like I've been taught to all these years. My flawless PR smile. "Never felt better."



"What. The. Fuck." Jodie stared at me at the top of the staircase, her pink leopard print phone in hand as she slowly walked down the steps.

I wiped my face with a paper towel. It went up my nose and was starting to sting. My heart was racing like crazy. Way more than during practice.

"Did she say your name?" Ethan looked so shocked that I would have laughed if the situation wasn't so crazy. On the field he wore a steely poker face so no one could tell what play he would make but right now his expression was wide open.

"Must be some other Tyler Riley." I shrugged, blowing my nose.

Jodie smacked me on the arm. "What other Tyler Riley is out there?" She exclaimed. "You are Tyler Riley. Oh my god, Tessa Silver likes you! But why?" I gave her a look, pretending to be offended.

"I'm just as shocked as you guys are," I said, trying to look unaffected even though my heart was doing somersaults. I felt like I was standing in an alternate universe and both my best friends were looking at me like I was an alien with two heads who just landed in their home.

Tessa Silver knew who I was?

"Yo, are you holding out on me?" Ethan asked, looking hurt. We've been best friends for seven years. He knew more about me than anyone. Along with my failed relationship that ended three years ago. I've been incredibly single ever since. 

Most people thought being a professional athlete meant unlimited dating options but it was really the opposite. Our travel schedule could be brutal and there weren't a lot of women out there who wanted to date someone who was gone most of the time.

"Are you guys..." Jodie looked like she would start hyperventilating. "Dating?"

"No," I said to Jodie. "And no," I said, turning to Ethan. "I have never met her in my life, I swear. I'm flattered that she said that. I have no clue why but I do not know her at all."

Ethan nodded, accepting my answer. "I thought so, but just wanted to be sure. Not that I would be against it. Landon loves hearing her music too."

Jodie made an animalistic noise beside me, her face turning red. "I can believe this. Tyler, this is a sign."

I raised my eyebrows at her. Uh oh, Jodie was on a roll and this was never good.

"Hey, I'm flattered, but she's not someone I would ever get to meet in a million years."

"What do you mean?" She countered, crossing her arms.

"Well Jodie, she's an international pop star and unless I go to a fan meet up and wait in line wearing a disguise to get her autograph, there's no chance our paths will cross."

"But she clearly wants you too." She argued. You don't just say someone is your celebrity crush unless you want something to happen."

"But clearly," I held out my hands as if to placate a raging bull about to charge. "Tessa is in a long-term relationship like you just said. And this is one of those situations where she had to answer a softball question. I wouldn't read into it." I'd been in similar situations when I was talking to the media and a question caught me off guard. I didn't replay those moments or beat myself up about them cause I knew it was bad for my mental health.

Jodie shook her head stubbornly. "Look, I am a girl and I know how women think. If things were good between her and James she wouldn't have answered. Something is amidst. And this is her letting you know," she jabbed a finger into my chest. "That she's interested."

I shrugged, grabbing another drink from the fridge. "I'm not breaking up a relationship." My mom raised me with a good set of morals and I would stand by them. Even if hearing my name come out from Tessa's mouth made me feel all giddy inside, like I was in first grade with a big crush on the girl who sat in front of me.

"How about this, let's make a bet. If Tessa and James break up then you have to ask her out." Jodie says, her eyes glinting.

"Sure," I said smoothly without missing a beat. "I'll ask her out when she turns 87."

Ethan stifled his laugh when his wife glared daggers at him. "It will happen. And when it does and I win, you have to get me Tessa Silver concert tickets." "Done," I said grinning. Those tickets were nearly impossible to get but I didn't plan on losing. "And if I win you're going to bake me a cake that says I'm a loser, Tyler is always right."

Jodie smirked at me. She ran a bakery and made the best cakes in Chicago. "I can't wait to pick out a bedazzled outfit for the concert."

We spat and shook on it. 


If you love stories that give you butterflies, make sure to read my book Dear Ethan which centers around Jodie and Ethan's relationship. Visit my bio to read :) 

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