Twice DnD | Part 1.5

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Sana strums her lute, "So, why did you late on this very important day?" the bard asks Haeju. Right now they're on the company's wagon, heading to the city border, towards the jungle. As she's asking the question, Haeju feels like everybody's waiting for her answer.
"Oh yeah, I'm really sorry for that," Haeju answer Sana right away.
"No no, don't apologize. Story, I need a story," Sana says.
"Right, I, uh, honestly I can't sleep last night. Do you know that feeling when you're too excited for something? Then you try to close your eyes, but you can't fall asleep although it's already midnight. I feel so bad but honestly, I'm just so happy that we're doing this. This has been my dream since I joined the JYP corp. as an intern," Haeju says.
"Hahaha! You're so cute, Haeju. Why are you this excited tho?" Sana asks. Haeju continues to answer her question excitingly. Nobody ever asked her about her life like this.

Meanwhile, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu look at each others.
"Should we tell that intern?"
"About the bard is seducing her?"
"Nah, but I feel like our mission is not gonna be easy," Chaeyoung says.
"Why is that? I assume it'll be easy since this is our first mission ever," Tzuyu answers.
"Not that. I mean... Look at those two," Chaeyoung says before both of them look behind them. Haeju shapes the water she has and turns it into a tiny floating, before Sana touches and it explodes, then both of them get wet. Sana and Haeju laughs so loud. 
"They think they're on a vacation."
"One is an inexperienced intern and the other is freaking musician."
"Yep, we're screwed."


Sana strums her lute again.
"For my whole life, I've been living in this city and never leave," Haeju continues her story, "I just wanna see the world, you know! Also, as a witch, I hope I can learn more spells or probably find some spell books out there. I know I'm still a newbie, but my dream is to master as many spells as possible! Even if I need to cross countries," Haeju tells her. 
"Haeju hopes to cross the land~ All the spells she wishes to understand~" Sana suddenly sings, "Let me find some lyrics for your story, Honey. Suddenly, I'm inspired."
"Wow, you can do that?" she's genuinely amazed.
"Only for a pretty girl like you," Sana says, "But that can't be the only reason for your excitement, right?" she looks right into Haeju's eyes, as if she's looking for the truth.
"Uhh, yeah, I also want to meet to the other races and classes. Like right now, you're the first bard that I ever met. I've heard stories about your profession. Creative, free-minded, expressive. I always stick to what's written in the books, so for me you're amazing!"
'Twang!' Sana strums her lute excitingly, before she chuckles, "Ahahaha! Thank you~ You're smart and pretty too, I'm sure you'll become a great witch one day. Eh, Haeju you're blushing! Hahaha, is it because I tell you that you're pretty? Hahaha!"
Haeju's cheeks get warm all of sudden, "Never in my life, an elf as beautiful as you, compliments me like that," she tells her the truth.
"Aww, I'm not that beautiful, you are~" Sana says back, "I think we can become a good friend!"
"Oh my God yes, I'd love to!" 
"Huh... I'm inspired, wait," she tries some notes on her musical instrument, like a genius figuring a math equation. Haeju is amazed to witness this process with her own eyes for the first time.

"Hae~ Ju~" she starts to sing with rock and roll music, acoustical style.

"I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To find them is my real test
To learn them is my cause

I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Each magic spell to understand
The power that's inside

Magic spells, gotta catch em' all
It's you and me
I know it's my destiny!

Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend!

Magic spells, gotta catch em' all

A heart so true
Our courage will pull us through!

You teach me and I'll teach you,
Magic world!

Gotta catch em' all!
Gotta catch em' all~~

Haeju claps so hard for Sana, "Thank you, thank you," Sana bows as if she's on the stage.
Mina who has been listening this whole time, finally speaks, "Isn't that a Pokemon theme song? A cartoon from early 2000s. That's not your song,"
"I used to live in the jungle and I even know that," Tzuyu adds.
"Wait, what?!" Haeju is genuinely suprised with that fact.
Sana doesn't know what to answer, "Dammit!"
"Why am I here?" Chaeyoung whispers to herself.


(a/n: to be continued. if you're interested in this silly story, leave your thought in the comment section! I really need your feedback, because if this is not working, than I won't commit to finish this particular story. Anyway, thank you guys for all of your supports that you've given to me so far!)

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