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'Damn it! Why can't I get rid of this freaking song out of my head?!' The Uchiha yelled in his thoughts as he rolled over to his side for the 30th time this evening. For some reason a song was stuck in his mind and kept playing like a broken record, annoying the hell out of him but at the same confusing time was soothing. There are only two reasons for this new "virus" he has, it's either he has gone mad or found the song he heard very addicting.

The question is where did he hear this song? Well , a part of it actually, but still.

Tossing over one last time and closing his eyes tightly, he muttered the song so low and soft that it almost seemed like it was muffled, but nonetheless it wasn't hearable. Seconds later the Uchiha was knocked out in a blink of an eye and early in the morning was sent to his worst nightmare... living the life he hates.

He got up from his bed, stood up and went to the shower and as the water showered on his whole body. His voice resonated throughout the bathroom as he hummed a familiar tune.

'This song even haunts me in the shower...?' The onyx eyed Uchiha sighed and went with the flow...

Stealing Her Heart |Sasuke x Oc|Where stories live. Discover now