Chapter 20

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Zhan POV:

The sun is peeking through the curtains and lighting my face. I groan and bring my hand to shield my face while blinking slowly to adjust. It must be noon again. I sit up and stare at nothing, in particular, playing with my fingers. I feel like shit. I have maintained a schedule before, but everything collapses since I interfere with others' lives. Now, I experience sleepless nights, so I can't concentrate on anything and sleep in the daytime. I'm ashamed of being called a good physiotherapist.

I frown at the ceiling, which is pure white. Suddenly, last night's incidents slowly creep into my head. My face changes color. My heart is pounding so hard in my chest that I can't breathe. I throw the blanket away and leave the bed to rush out of the room to look for one person. There's not even his shadow anywhere. I feel disappointed, so I return to my room and sit on the bed with a frown. My fingers pull the thread on the blanket absentmindedly for a long moment.

With a heavy sigh, I go to the bathroom to shower and wrap myself in fresh clothes before leaving for Jiyang's room to give him medicines and check his condition. The situation between us is still awkward when I dodge each attempt of his to be friendly with me. I have no right to be upset with him, but I can't help. I expect him to do something and understand what they are doing wrong.

Thoughts swirling in my head, I step up the stairs and halt midway when I hear a squeaking noise behind me. I turn around and blink in confusion when a tall, muscular guy with gray eyes strolls in. His chin is arrogantly tilted upward as he walks in. Behind him stand several guys; none of them are noteworthy, but I feel that if he is able to strut in like this, he must be important.

 Behind him stand several guys; none of them are noteworthy, but I feel that if he is able to strut in like this, he must be important

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His eyes glance around, probably looking for someone before settling on me. A twinkle sparkles in his sight with greed. "Wow!" He moves closer, his eyes shamelessly running over my body from head to toe. The greasy expression sends chills up my spine, and I resist the urge to turn tail and hide in my room as he begins to talk with me. "I haven't seen you here before!"

I glance at the servants nearby as if asking what to do. Seeing my confused eyes makes their hearts melt. Before I get any response, he throws an arm around my shoulders and gives me flirty eyes. I'm visibly stiffened, daring not to move. "I'm new," I mumble, throwing his arm off my shoulders and putting a distance between us.

His brows furrow, but he lets it go. "New." The look he gives sends all the wrong signals through my body. "..And beautiful!" He comments. He runs his fingers over the back of my neck and teases the ends of my hair. My eyes dart left and right helplessly, and my hands clench into fists until my knuckles are nearly white. He looks down toward me and lowers his face. "May I know which name this gorgeous creature belongs to?"

 "May I know which name this gorgeous creature belongs to?"

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