Chapter 3

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Sonic's pov

Scourge is here. Fuck. What am I supposed to do? He's going to hurt me, why did I do this, I'm so stupid, I should just kill myself, then none of this will have to happen, Shadow won't have to inconvenience himself with me, Scourge won't be a problem anymore, no-one nearby will have to deal with my shit. I'm so dumb.

"Back off Scourge." What? No, Shadow shouldn't be defending me, what if he gets hurt too? "Or what? Are you angry this pathetic little thing is hurt?" No, this can't be happening, Shadow's going to get hurt.

Scourge walked up to Shadow, I would say up to me but I'm hiding behind Shadow right now. "Shadow. Stop defending the freak" "Why? So you can keep hurting him?" Shadow replying to Scourge like that caused Scourge to grab Shadow's wrist and pull Shadow to the ground. "He's mine. Now leave." Scourge said, Shadow stood up, just for Scourge to push him back onto his knees "Leave. Now." I can't let Shadow get hurt for me

I pushed Shadow aside, stepping in front of Scourge, Shadow reached out to me, but Scourge swatted his hand away, and he ended up leaving with his head down. "What the hell was that, blue?" "I-I just, um, I just wanted to talk to Shadow, is all." He kneed me in the gut, causing me to double over, god it hurt. "Bullshit. Did I say you could?" "No..." "You're never going to talk to him again, alright?" I nodded, I didn't have much of a choice anyways.

"Wrists." I pulled myself up and held out my wrists, wincing as he dragged a nail (claw?) across one of them, ripping a few of the newer cuts open, then he did it again, pressing down harder and leaving a scratch and opening a few other cuts. Then he did it to the other wrist, fuck this hurt, it took everything in me to not start bawling my eyes out. "Why do you do this to yourself?" he grabbed my neck, am I going to die today? "Why!?" Is... Is he crying? "P-Physical pain is easier to d-deal with" he groans and lets me go, then he walks away. What... What was that?

Eh. I don't care enough about him to figure it out.

Scourge time besties (Scourge's POV)



I ended up in the shower for a good fifteen minutes trying to make it go away. I don't like cold showers.


I found a different way to make it go away.


Ignoring all that.

I pull out my phone and open Duolingo

"愛してます" it read "I love you" I spoke back into the mic

"青" "blue"

That was weird. After that it went back to my normal lessons though, so, whatever. "図書館はどこですか?"


"また明日ね" Done. Finally. Now I can go to the store, I kind of hate it there since it always smells like smokers and people hook up in the back room all the time. The employees just let them, it's weird, it's not like those people can't get a hotel room or something.

Sonic's pov

Ah, the grocery store, the one place where people buy something they're going to eat off the same shelf someone was sucking dick on. I hate it here. I hate working here even more. Eh, whatever, I get to steal supplies from the back sometimes, which is fun.

The store is entirely dead today, so I pulled out my phone and opened up Duolingo, creepy ass owl.

"愛してます" it read "I love you" I said.

"緑" weird. "green" I spoke back to it.

I heard the front door bell ring for the first time in a good two hours and started to fix my shirt, it had fallen a bit and was hanging around my shoulders before I fixed it.

Wait. No. NoNoNoNoNoNONONONONONOONONO. THAT ISN'T SCOURGE. No. No. It's him. Fuck. Now what? I'm one of the only cashiers on shift right now, I purposefully take shifts where things are dead and HE shows up? Asshole. Wait. He hasn't seen me, maybe if I hide then- No. He'd be confused why there wasn't anyone else... Fuck. Um. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. SHITTTTTTT. It's okay, my shift ends in like thirty minutes, maybe it'll take him a long time or something... I hope.


Nope. He's coming over here. Kill me.

"I didn't know you worked here, blue" "not like my parents are around to keep me stable." Normally I wouldn't share stuff like this, but Scourge already knew anyways. "Fair enough, here." He dropped a few things on the counter "cigarettes" I groaned and reached behind me, grabbing a pack and half throwing it onto the counter "I hope you die early from smoking" "me too"
No way I heard that right.

I just kept scanning shit until I finally got through everything. "$10 and 56 cents" To my absolute dismay, this asshole pulls out a bag of pennies... I hate it here. But you know what, might as well have some fun with this

So, I start. I count in tens, every time I get to ten pennies, I stack them, then every time I get ten stacks I place that off to the side. About half way through, at which point I can tell Scourge is already getting bored, around $4 I 'accidentally' knock my stacks over. "Oops... looks like I'll have to start over."

I start over. After a good half an hour of counting, I smile at him "I lost track" and start over counting again.

Again, and again I find some excuse, until it's been a good hour and a half when Scourge just pulls out a $10 bill and a $1 "There." I giggle "sure you don't want me to do something with all these?" I gesture to the coins "I'm sure." He bags them up again, grumbling something about me being annoying.

"Have a good day sir!" I shout as he walks out the door "Go die."

"You're gonna let him talk to you like that?" One of my co-workers asks me "It's alright, I know him personally." I leave after that, it's been an hour since my shift ended anyways

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