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"He must be! You'd be able to see the entire park from up there," Kiara replied. They stared at each other silently, their grins growing by the second.

That was it!

The campers were scattered about the huts of the Hidden Adventure amusement park. They searched for anything tied to Brimford or his strange letter for Grady. Darius and Kiara ran up to them with excited looks.

"Guys, Brimford's clue was talking about the roller coaster!" Darius exclaimed.

The other campers ran to Darius and Kiara excitedly. Still, as they got closer, they heard the clicking snarl of the Tarbosaur. It was sniffing the gate to the park!

"How does it keep finding us?" Ben whispered.

"I don't even care. Look, we gotta get out of here!" Kenji said. He looked around and spotted an exit to the far right that led to the jungle. Beside it was a ripped-down sign with a vehicle sloppily painted on in white. He pointed at it, saying, "If we had a car, we could finally lose it for good."

"No way! We've come too far to give up now," Brooklynn retorted.

Ben sighed, "But we don't even know if Brimford actually did what he said."

"Brimford was a smart guy. He wouldn't have told Owen about his food stash if he didn't already have one!" Sammy said.

"We've already faced down a mosasaurus and a Trex to get here!" Yasmina agreed.

Kenji scoffed, crossing his arms as he looked between the two girls. "So? That doesn't mean we should try our luck with a third deadly dinosaur!"

"We should go on the rollercoaster," Kiara piped in, "For the most part, we'll be too high for the Tarbo to see, and we might be able to figure out the next clue. And we could hide under the seats if the Tarbo gets suspicious."

"Kiara, we can't read dinosaur minds. It could easily spot us even if we go under the seats," Ben said, shutting her up.

Sammy looked to Darius, who remained silent throughout the dire debate. "Darius, you're the Dino expert. What do you think we should do?"

"Roller coaster, obviously," Brooklynn said, pulling a blank face. "You've played it safe all day, Darius, and we've still almost got eaten. If we face dinos anyway, we might as well find food, too. No risk, no reward."

"But we've survived," Kenji butted in, flinging his hands out melodramatically as he looked at Darius, "Isn't that reward enough? We should get in that car and leave!"

Darius sighed long and hard before looking at his friends with that determined look Kiara knew all too well. "Let's get to the coaster."

Kenji glared at Darius, crossing his arms, "So, to be clear, we're betting our lives on Brimford?"

"Well, not literally. Gambling's not allowed in Jurassic World," Sammy said, high-fiving Darius, who walked past with a grin, "But yeah! I think we're goin' for it."

With her final word, the campers ran after Darius to the rollercoaster. Away from them, the Tarbosaurus ramed against the park gates with frustrated growls. When the kids reached the veloci-coaster, they paused.

"Get in! I'll start it up," Darius yelled.

The six kids arranged themselves in the eight seats the coaster held. Kiara sat in the front car, Brooklynn and Ben in the second, Sammy and Yasmina in the third, and Kenji at the back. They pulled down the yellow safety barriers, but Kiara wrinkled her nose, the smell like the water from the dilophosaurus fountain wavering strongly around her. Darius quickly finished working the coaster and rushed to sit beside Kiara, pulling down his barrier.

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒 - camp cretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now