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•Tiara Medina

-People usually call her Tia as her nickname. Was too kind yet had a small group of friend because how naive she is. A smart student but didn't like to do sport. Know how to cook simple dishes, she once blew up her kitchen. In 3-ab class. Maehwa High School Student.

- famous line : "I forgive you.. just don't do it again yea?"


•Daniyal Farez

-People usually call him Dany. He's a famous student in school. A sports active student but his academic wasn't really bad though. Everyone in school were his friends. Doesn't really like how naive Tiara are. Sports teacher favorite and always out for a competition. He's mean. In 3-ab class

-Famous line : "I won't do it again okay? Trust me"


Clara Hani

-People usually call her Clara. She is Tiara's friend. Was the school trouble maker and Tiara protector. They're friend since Elementary school. Clara love to draw and she even attend her drawing classes everyday. Having a slight crush on Daniyal but keep it herself. In the same class as Tiara and Daniyal

-Famous line : "U can find a way better man than him."


Please don't mind those grammar mistake :>.. and this is my first story so each chapter will more likely to be short. ~~~~

Here the story begin...

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