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"See, that girl over there?"

A friend of Daniyal said. His name is Adrian, he's Daniyal's best friend.
Daniyal shift his eyes on that girl.

"Her?" Daniyal chuckles.

"That Naive girl? Tiara.. am I right?"

"Yeah bro. Let's make a bet" Adrian said smirking, he had a very bad idea in his mind.

"Get Tiara to be your girlfriend for 10 month. I bet you $100 bro.. then, dump her. I hope you didn't fall in love with her, heh." He said.

Daniyal was stunned but soon agreed with Adrian's idea. "Good idea... Anything for that $100"


"Hey" Daniyal approach her.

"Oh, Dany. Hello!!" Tiara said looking happy as always.

"Let's meet after school shall we? Would you come with me?"

"Um.. Out of nowhere? But.. Fine, I'll meet you after school" Tiara said, always having a smile on her face.

"Let's meet at the Joy Park. I'll meet you there ya?" Daniyal said, sounding sincere in his word.

As Tiara agreed with him, He bid her goodbye and left.. smirking all the way to his seatmates.

Is Daniyal was really that bad.. do you think he'll fall in love?

This is the start of the story.. everything going fine.. not until ...


Last chance.

There's no use of getting a multiple chance if you're not going to change.. this is your last chance..


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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