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After we ate dinner, jisung volunteer to wash the dishes.
I tried to argue, but he insisted, so I let him do it.
Me and Ari picked a movie we wanted to watch, and we sat down on the couch.
I put my hand over jisungs shoulders and he leaned on me, while Ari sat close to him.
We decided to watch Cinderella, and after it finished, I told jisung that I will put ari to sleep, and that he can go shower.
He agreed, and I took ari to her room.

"Minho hyung, will you neglect me now?" She asked me sadly

"What do you mean?"

"Well, now that you're dating hannie, you will spend every second with him. Will you still play with me?"

"Why would you think that I will neglect you? Yeah, jisung is my boyfriend now, but that doesn't mean I will stop play with you, or spend time with you. I would never do that to you." I smiled at her

That was enough for her and she smiled back. She then fell asleep, and I went downstairs. I sat on the couch, and I started scrolling trough Instagram. I then heard the bathroom door open and jisung walked out in his big tshirt and shorts. He smiled at me and he asked me:

"Is she sleeping?"


He smiled at me and nodded.

I went to her room, and I quietly looked inside. She was peacefully sleeping. I smiled at the sight and I walked up to her. I gave her a little kiss on the forehead and I was about to walk off, when I looked at her nightstand.

There was a full glass of water.

I chuckled a little bit, and I quietly walked out.

I walked downstairs with a smile on my face.
Minho noticed.

"Why are you smiling so much?" He asked, also smiling.

"Ah, nothing. Ari is just really cute."

He nodded and he put the phone away.

"Should we go to sleep?" I asked

"Sure, good night." He said and he kissed me on the cheek

He laid down on the couch.

"Are you coming?" I asked him

"Where?" He sounded confused.

"Uhm, to my room? You're my boyfriend now, so there is no way I'm letting you sleep on the couch. I'm sure your back must be hurting a lot."

His eyes widened a little.

"Y-you want me to sleep in your bed with you?"

"Uhm, duh? But if you don't want to that's okay, I just thought that-"

"No no no, I think that's a good idea." He said

We walked to my room, kind of awkwardly.

I laid on my bed, and I moved my second pillow to the other side, so he had pillow too.

I then turned around and I looked at Minho.

"Come here." I said and I laid on my side of the bed, showing him that he will have enough space.

He slowly walked up to my bed and he laid down.
I turned on my side, so I would face him, he did the same.

I gently patted his back and I smiled at him.
He seemed to relax a little and he closed his eyes.

"Could you pat my back for a while please?" He asked me

I smiled at the request.

"Of course."

After a while, he fell asleep.

I smiled at the sight and I pulled him into my embrace.

I will make you feel loved, Minho.
I really will.

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