Chapter seven [after]

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We flew back to Hannah's room and Carpet stopped at her balcony She walked off of carpet and turned to me [Blitz]"Until tomorrow, Princess"Carpet threw me closer to Hannah almost making me fall, I don't know what happened to me then but I just Kissed her, She didn't stop me, She didn't jump back, She kissed me back [Hannah]"Good night"[Blitz]"Good night" I fell back on Carpet as Hannah walked off and into her room [Blitz]"Yes." Carpet started flying off [Blitz]"Woo-hoo![Iago]"Fascinating" [Genie]"Ooh! I like that face, Good date?"[Blitz]"The best"[Hannah]"But it was better than the best"[Blitz]"She figured out I was Blitz, You said that wouldn't happen."[Genie]"Wow I mean, genie magic is really just a facade At some point, the real character's always gonna shine through but that's a good thing, right? Now, she knows"[Blitz]"Well"[genie]"Well What?"[Hannah]"He told me he was only pretending to be a thief to see the city. But he's actually a prince"[Blitz]"I convinced her that I really was a prince"[Riley]"And you believed him?"[Genie]"And she Believed you?"[Hannah]"I think so"[Genie]"Eventually, you are going to have to tell her the truth"[Blitz]"Eventually, I will tell her, Anyway, I sort of am a prince now"[Genie]"Oh! So you're gonna drink from that cup"[Riley]"You don't think maybe you want to believe him because you have to marry a prince but you can't marry a thief?"[Hannah]"No. I believe him. I do" The Next Morning I was walking in the corridor [Blitz]"When the time is right, I will tell her" I said to Abu but he jumped off my shoulder when two guards walked in front of me [Blitz]"Morning?"[Hakim]"Morning" I sighed [Blitz]"Not again" The guard walked over to me and dragged me up to jafar's tower and tied me to a chair [Blitz]"Please, please, I... Gentlemen. I-I think there's been some sort of confusion, I don't think you know who I am"[Jafar]"Oh, no, no. no. I know who you are, Blitz"[Blitz]"Blitz?"[Lago]"Blitz"[Blitz]"I don't know who that is I'm Prince Blake-"[Lago]"Street Rat!"[Blitz]"Of -Of Ababwa"[Jafar]"A prince from a kingdom that doesn't exist. Who now possesses a magic carpet from the Cave of Wonders. Seems to me, the only way that's possible"[Lago]"Where's your monkey?"[Jafar]"is if you found a certain treasure. My treasure. Where's the lamp?" Off in Blitz's room Abu had took the lamp and hopped on carpet to get genie to Blitz [Blitz]"there's clearly been some sort of misunderstanding I'm Prince Blake"[Jafar]"If I throw you off of that balcony, and you are who you say you are, you will die a watery death. If you survive, it can only be because of the lamp. In which case, I will have my answer. For the last time... Where is the lamp?"[Blitz]"Listen to me. I don't know who you think I am-"[Jafar]"Goodbye Blitz" Jafar used his staff to push me off of the balcony [Blitz]"No! No!" Off in the distance Abu and Carpet had almost arrived but Blitz had fallen into the water and sunk to the bottom [Jafar]"Hmm" Over The water Abu threw the lamp to Blitz, Blitz was struggling to get the lamp over the ocean Abu was getting worried as he couldn't see what was going on.

But underwater Blitz had already Stopped moving he almost had the lamp, But his head fell to the ocean sand, But his hands touched the lamp and out came the Genie [Genie]"Boy, what in the...?" Genie swam down to Blitz [Genie]"woah. hey, Kid, Okay, I can't get you out of this unless you make a wish. You have to make a wish! Come on, wake up! Okay, try and form the words. "I wish." Kid, come on, wake up! Wake up, You need to think. Think, think. Think. Okay. Okay. A little gray area here, but it's worth a try" Genie swam to Blitz and lifted his head [Genie]"I, Blitz, being of sound body and mind, declare that my second wish is to be saved from certain doom" I took the liberty to backdate that a day. I hope you don't mind. Yes! Here we go! Come on!" Genie Started swirling making what looked like a whirlpool around Blitz, Above Water Abu Was getting confused as he saw the blue light get brighter, Genie and blitz Both shot up out of the water and they Popped into The room [Genie]"Come on, kid! Kid! Kid, please. Come on. Wake up. Wake up, wake up. Kid! Wake up, please" Genie was getting worried, Blitz woke up but he also Threw up due to being under the water for too long and then shooting up from the water and into the sky[Genie]" Ew, Probably coulda done that the other direction How you doin'?"[Blitz]"Thanks, Genie"[Genie]"Hey, no problem, uh, I was in the neighborhood."[Blitz]"I thought you said no favors?"[Genie]"wa-I wa..."[Blitz]" I thought you said no friends?"[Genie]"Right. Um...It actually cost you a wish"I shook my head as I was just grateful[Blitz]"Whatever it cost. You saved my life"[Genie]"Yeah, that's true. I mean, strictly speaking though, it was a team effort" Genie said as he looked to carpet and Abu[Blitz]"Thank you" I said to all of them [Blitz]"We have to stop Jafar"[Genie]"That's not gonna be easy. The Sultan trusts him completely. He has everybody fooled"I thought of one person [Blitz]"Maybe not everyone".

with Hannah I was standing in the room where i had met Blitz as Prince Blake when Jafar walked in [Jafar]"I overheard Prince Blake talking to his advisor about returning with an army to conquer Agrabah"[Kevin/Sultan]"What?"[Jafar]"Now it appears he's fled in the night"[Kevin/Sultan]"Hannah"I turned around [Hannah]"You heard him say this, Jafar?, And you saw him leave?"[Lago]"Uh-oh" [Jafar]"Yes. With my own ears and my own eyes. So, what's the problem now, Princess?"[Hannah]"This is the problem, Jafar." The doors opened as me, Genie and Riley walked in [Hannah]"If what you say is true, why is Prince Blake still here?"[Blitz]"Your Majesty"[Jafar]"Prince Blake, This is a surprise"[Blitz]"Highness, your advisor's not who he says he is"[Jafar]"Oh. I'm not who I say I am?"[Hannah]"Baba, he tried to kill Prince Blake"[Sultan/Kevin]"Jafar, can you explain this to me?"[Jafar]"Yes. My Sultan... You know my loyalty belongs to you."[Sultan/Kevin]"Your loyalty. Your loyalty."[Jafar]"Yes"[Sultan/Kevin]"Prince Blake, you invited yourself into our city. And we welcomed you as our guest. But I believe your intentions are... deceitful. You are a grave danger to Agrabah, and you shall be dealt with as such."[Hannah]"Baba, what are you saying?"[Sultan/Kevin]"Enough, Hannah!, Jafar told me of Prince Blake's Jafar told me of Prince" [Blitz Quietly]"His Staff" [Sultan/Kevin]"He's here for my throne, Hakim!" I took the staff and threw it to the ground breaking it, dark magic or something spilt on the floor [Hannah]"Baba?"[Sultan/Kevin]"What happened?"[Blitz]"He had you under a spell"[Jafar]"He's not to be trusted. Your Majesty"[Blitz]" He wants your throne, and your daughter"[Jafar]"That's just not true for your throne, But as for your daughter I will win her"[Hannah]"How dare you! Standing around thinking you will win me Jafar, I am NOT a price to be won Jafar"[Sultan/Kevin]"Jafar, you were my most trusted advisor! Hakim! Put him in the dungeon!"[Jafar]"You should think about how quickly the sands of power shift in the storm, Hakim"[Hakim]"I am loyal to my sultan. As you should have been. The law is the law".

Lago came back with the key as he had left to go get that key to get Jafar out. [Sultan/Kevin]"Prince Blake, I must apologize"[Blitz]"Well, Your Highness, there's something I... I'd like to explain"[Sultan/Kevin]"Your honor and integrity will never again be questioned here in Agrabah"[Blitz]"I-"[Sultan/Kevin]"A more noble and sincere young man has never graced the chambers of this palace"[Blitz]"Well, uh..."[Genie]"Wow"[Sultan/Kevin]"would be honored - to call you my son."[Genie]"Oooh"[Sultan/Kevin]"If that... were something anyone wanted"He said looking at Hannah, Hannah and the Sultan both smiled [Genie]"So you got the girl. I mean, trust me, I had my doubts after your whole jam debacle. But y-you pulled yourself back together a little bit."[Blitz]"I did, didn't I? I think I finally got the hang of being a prince"[Genie]"Oh, well, that-that's not exactly what I meant."[Blitz]"But you were right. People see what they wanna see, Blitz is gone, I'm Prince Blake now"[Genie]"Wow. Got it all figured out now, huh, kid?"[Blitz]"And you know, I was thinking about my last wish, and I just... I can't do this without you. I know I told you I'd use it to set you free, but you heard the sultan. I can't let everything that we've worked for fall apart"[Genie]"So... You just never tell her the truth? You're gonna keep living the lie?"[Blitz]"It's not a lie. People can change."[Genie]"Heh, oh, they can change, all right"[Blitz]"And? That's a bad thing? Everything's better now. No one got hurt. You'd rather me be back on the streets stealing to survive? I... thought you'd be happy for me. But all you cared about was that I use my last wish to set you free"[Genie]"Well, Kid, I don't care nothin' about that wish. This is about you. What's happening to you. You'd rather lie to somebody you love than give all of this up."[Blitz]"You don't get it, Genie. People like me don't get anything except by pretending"[Genie]"I think, maybe, you don't get it. The more you gain by pretending, the less you're actually gonna have. 10,000 years, I have never once, ever... called a master a friend. I broke the rules for you. I saved your life... and for what? You are breaking my heart here, kid. You're breaking my heart"Genie Flew back into the lamp [Blitz]"Genie!, No!, Hey, Come on!" Blitz took the lamp and Put it in his bag and walked away taking the lamp with him[Lago]"Lamp. Lamp. Master. lamp."[Blitz]"Who does he think he is? He's supposed to serve me, I'm the same as I always was on the inside. right, Abu?" Blitz bumped into someone, Jafar, Jafar took the lamp, Jafar took his hood off, Jafar looked around and rubbed the lamp, Genie Rose from the lamp and hit his head under the arch [Genie]"Aah! Are you kidding? Now, why would you rub the thing under the...archway?"Back with Blitz at his Apartment he was sitting on the edge [Blitz]" Riffraff. Street rat. Would they Think that If they look Much closer?"[Blitz]"Still, I can't play a prince here No, siree Gotta tell the truth I can't pretend Even if it means This dream will end Even if She walks away From me".

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