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I need to find Tom and that wrist band.

"Okay thank you, so much." I smile walking out the room. I need to find an outfit to wear, maybe i'll browse here first. See if I find anything I liked?

I walk over to the denim skirts, picking one out that had a slit against the hip area. I need a rhinestone belt, if I wear to just leave it un-done it would look cute. I think. I walk over to the belts looking through them.

I pick out a bedazzled shiny belt, this'll do.

Okay time for shirts, I browse through the options they had. I decided on a baggy white shirt, it fell off my shoulder. Maybe no bra with this outfit?

Just some pasties will do, I hated when my bra
straps show.

I get some white platform sandals, this would match with the shirt perfectly. I go to the front to pay for my items. "Your total will be $28.78" The cashier states, damn not even bad for all the stuff I got.

I loved thrift stores.

I place the bag over my shoulder, maybe i'll just get a free makeover at Sephora. Yeah i'll do that.

I bike to the nearest Sephora which was across the road, thank you god, it's honestly embarrassing biking everywhere.

I park my bike going inside. "Hi, could I get a make-over please?" I ask the worker, she takes me over to a chair, I sit down crossing one leg over the other.

"What's the occasion?" She asks spinning my chair so that I was facing the mirror. "Concert!" I smile. "What band?" I read her name tag, Zo.

"Tokio Hotel." I nod slowly. "Ahh, they're really popular these days." Zo responds. "Yeah, they're my favorite band." I reply. "Okay, I think I know exactly what i'm gonna do with you." Zo smirks.


I felt Zo wipe off some excess powder of my face before turning me around, it was simple but with a graphic wing, I really liked that.

"Thank you so much! I love it!" I smile examining my face. "Glad I could help." So returns my smile, I uncross my legs getting up from the chair.

I thank her before leaving the Sephora, okay now it was just time to put on the outfit and i'd be able to go.


I slip on my platform heels, holy shit! I actually looked good. I'm so excited to see them preform live for the first time ever.

Bruh, i'm pulling into a Tokio Hotel concert in a bike. I'm literally gonna fucking kill myself, what the fuck.

I sigh getting on my bike, patting my denim skirt down. I start peddling at full speed hoping to get there as fast as possible. My hair blowing against the wind, giving me a blowout effect, I liked it a lot.

I get there in no time locking up my bike, I stand in line with my tickets I had printed earlier. I forgot to mention that, sorry. Anyways!

After waiting for about an hour or so, it was finally my turn in line. I hand the security guard my ticket, he analyzes it before nodding his head and stamping it.

I smile at him walking into the concert, oh god i'm gonna meet them.

I mean I already met them but this was different. TOM HAD DREADS.

I make my way to the front row waiting anxiously for them to pop out, I pull out my phone getting ready to record for when that curtain would drop.

I just know, if I were to post the video with my good ass phone quality, the editors in 2023 would eat it up.

I get a few stares from people all around me, I had a phone that was literally from the future. Can't even lie that was pretty cool.

Suddenly, the curtain drops revealing the band. Screams start to erupt from girls all over the stadium. I was screaming at the top of my lungs.

They look so hot, oh my god.

My phone becomes shaky and unsteady as I jumped up and down screaming, this was my time to shine. I was not holding back, I saw Tom glimpse over at me smirking. "Oh my god he totally looked at me!"

The girl next to me whispers to her friend, I give her the biggest side eye known to man. He was looking at ME.

I notice the nike wristband. He was wearing it.


The concert had sadly came to an end, I just knew i'd wake up to my voice completely gone tomorrow but it was so worth it. Okay on a real note though, I need to get back to the reason I was here for.

Before I forgot, I tended to forget things a lot.

I saw the band entering backstage, I knew I was about to seem fucking crazy but this was the only way.

I walk up to the security guard, who was guarding the backstage area with his back turned. I tapped on his muscly broad shoulders, he turns around confused.

My face suddenly dropped, this man was scary. I better not fuck this up. I'm just gonna get this over with, plain and simple.

"Hey so, Im pretty sure i'm stuck in the past, and the whole reasoning behind it has something to do with Tom, I don't know what. Don't ask, I may seem crazy I know but please, just let me in to talk to him."

The man stands there crossing his arms. "No." He says plainly. "Can you please just talk to him?" I beg, he sighs and goes into backstage.

I don't know why, I just had a gut feeling this had something to do with Tom. I also had a feeling he would let me in, I can't explain it. I felt like I knew him personally, every time something odd happened I had been talking about Tom the minute before.


I sit on the couch talking with the guys about girls we'd fuck from the concert, this was usual for us.

I mean can you blame us? We were teenage guys.

"What about you Tom?" Georg questions, I knew my answer. That girl in the front row, fuck she was so bad.

"Blonde hair, blue eyes in the front row. She was wearing a mini denim skirt with a white baggy shirt. I'd get on my knees begging just for her." I shake my head sighing.

"So another bimbo?" Gustav laughs. "Fuck off, she's more then that, I feel like I know her from somewhere. I swear we've met in a past life or something." I say.

They all look at me like I was fucking insane.

"Yeah it's official, my twin has officially lost it." Bill says laughing, I open my mouth to send a remark his way but our security guard Martin came in.

"There's a girl outside, claiming she's from the future and she has to talk to you Tom, I already told her no but she won't budge. Bitch seems mental." Martin shakes his head laughing.

"What's she look like?" I ask.

"Blonde hair, blue eyes, denim skirt and a white shirt." Martin says.

"Let her in." I nod towards him.

"What? No she's probably just another crazy fangirl." Martin shakes his head. Maybe he was right, or maybe he wasn't. I felt like I had some sort of connection with her, call me crazy but I knew this girl.

"Are you fucking deaf or something? I said let her in."

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