My safe place pt19

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Nick's POV :

"Charlie!?" I say in a shocked tone the boy doesn't seem to hear me so I say it again but louder "Charlie!" The crying stops and the boy with rosey wet cheeks slightly looks up at me ,I want to run up and cradle him in my arms but I don't know what state he is in "N-nick?" "Char" he looks at me and look back at him showing him he has all my attention "Nick!" He shouts and cries I think it's cries of joy but I'm not certain.

"Char , it's okay you're okay " I go over to him and rub his back "y-you're not mad?!" This makes me upset because I would never I'm my life be mad at him "no baby I'm not " "I know you are " I just bring him onto my lap and into my arms and let him sob into my chest, I wait for his sobs to down "char I could never In my life be mad at you" " even if you killed somebody " I quickly add on he giggles a bit before sighing "char we don't have to talk about this now but we will soon so let me take you home" "why!? It's comfortable here"he whined slightly. We stayed in the same position for a while whith him cuddled into my chest while i just stare at him and listen to his breaths , he suddenly cups my face and kisses me I kiss him back leaning into him once he stops I take my turn to kiss him it feel different it feels like we've been apart for years but in reality it's only been a few hours.

Charlie's POV:

The long deep kiss starts to turn into a quick passionate one with our tongues exploring each other's mouths, Nick suddenly pulls away "char we need to go !" I groan "why!?" "Well first we're in a park a two I need to text my mum!"he picks me off of his lap and stands up which earns him a whine "come on char , while I'm still hard" I laugh at his snarky comment I stand up and wobble a bit, Nick notices so he takes my hand then looks around "what Nick?" He looks at me and bends down "get on" I smack his ass which makes him jump , then I get on his back.

*time skip*

Once nick shuts the front door I notice something's off "where's Nellie?" I ask knowing she won't be on a walk because it's too late "oh she's with my mum at your house looking after Oliver" "huh?" Why was Sarah looking after Ollie I thought my mum was "oh umm I will call Tori to get her to explain "I nod and he calls Tori.

Nick: "hello?"

Tori:"did you find him!?"

Nick : "yes now he needs you to explain why my mum is looking after Oliver "

Tori: "just put my brother on the phone NICHOLAS!"

Nick: "alright calm down "

He passes the phone to me

Charlie:"umm hi"

Tori: "Charles! You scared the living shit out of me!"

Charlie : "I know sorry"

Tori: "okay Charlie I know I don't know how your feeling or why you did it but please don't do this again !"

Charlie:"okay" "Tori just tell him!" Nick shouts through the phone 

Tori:"okay so mum was in a bad mood and we had a small argument which caused her to pack her stuff and leave me with Oliver "

Charlie:"oh" is all I can say

Tori:"Charlie I know you and this wasn't your fault "

I hum and nod even though she can't see me .

Tori:"I mean it Charlie !"

Nick then takes the phone from me and they have a quick chat, which I can hardly hear because my thoughts are taking over."okay,bye".

Nick puts the phone down on the table "Charlie she's right it's not your fault "I just nod and I know Nick knows what I'm thinking "Charlie I don't think we got to finish something" "what texting the squad ?" I grin "well yeah but you know what "I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck while I give him a quick flirty kiss " I know what you mean " he smiles and wraps his arms around my waist "good" we kiss passionately but I lean back and go to the stairs.

Nick's POV :

Charlie motions for me to come over as I do he grabs my wrist and pulls me up the stairs.once we get to my room I slam the door shut I don't lock it because we are the only people here.I grab Charlie's waist then he wraps his legs around my waist like a koala. I connect our lips again,we make out for a few minutes until I feel Charlie tug at my hoodie I take this as a hit and take it off along with my shirt,we kiss again then I take his shirt off but he frowns I'm worried because he normally lets me see him like this I guess he could tell I was worried "hey,how come you got to take my shirt of and I didn't get to take yours off!?" I smile and say some cringey shit i wish I hadn't "you can do the honours of something else " Charlie connects us again I move us towards the bed and unbuckle his belt and the zip on his skinny jeans,he then takes the waistband of my adidas shorts and pulls them down so I'm only left in my boxers . I push not enough for him to get hurt but enough for him to fall onto my bed, I pull his jeans off which makes his boxers come off as well.

3rd person POV:

Nick crawls on top of Charlie while Charlie takes nicks boxers off , as soon as the cold air hits nicks already hard dick it sends shivers down his spine Nick starts to grind down on Charlie's dick which makes Charlie moan in pleasure and pain.

"Char!?" Charlie just nods as Nick pushes Charlie's knees up to his shoulders "can I ?" He nods again "words,baby" "yeah just p-please nick".

In no time Nick has two fingers thrusting up and down into Charlie's hole applying pressure every now and then."Nick please !".

Nick hovers his swollen hard cock over Charlie's slightly red hole "N-Nick AHHHH PLEASE " Charlie practically screams as Nick pushes his cock into Charlie,he lets Charlie ride it out before completely entering Charlie.

*time skip*

Charlie's POV:

I think I lost my voice I'm right now in the shower while Nick is cleaning his bed sheets . I quickly get dressed and head to nicks bedroom , luckily he already took a shower so I can just cuddle up to him all night. Nicks my safe place, my home.

We fall asleep with me on top of Nick snuggled into his bare chest.

1142 words 

Nick and Charlie The honeymoon stage (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now