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The sound of thunder and the cold wind from continuous rain, sent a shiver down her spine. Closing her books she took out her diary and started writing about the boy she's been liking for a moment now. "Lee Minhyuk" A smiled formed on her lips while saying his name.

In her diary she wrote about everything happened to her ever since she entered high school. She wrote about how she met her two best friends, she wrote about how her parents are still not satisfied with her grades and she wrote about how she met her first crush 'Lee Minhyuk'. He was perfect. To her. To Hwang Jiyeon.

Hwang Jiyeon, a simple girl living in Daegu with her parents who barely give a damn about her. She also has a twin brother Hwang Seohan who's in Seoul. Her dad sent him there to study. Jiyeon is not was never in good terms with her parents and it was because of her studies. It's not that Jiyeon's not good at studies, she's really very good at it but it's just that she doesn't comes first in everything like her brother. "Huh..." She sighs and closes her diary to go to sleep.

Next morning, Jiyeon wakes up from her deep slumber and gets ready to go to school. She's just like any other student going to school, she doesn't wanna go there but is still going there just to see him. To see Lee Minhyuk.

She got ready for her school, halfheartedly said bye to her parents, listening to few of their taunts in the process and ran to the school. And no she was not running because she was late, it's because she wanna see 'him'. Her school actually starts at 8:30 am and it's just 7:23 am right now but there's a zero period in their school in which the choir members practice and 'he' is a part of the choir.

Few minutes later at 7:49 am, Jiyeon reached her school and straight up walked towards the hall where the choir members practiced.

As soon as she reached there, she sat on one of the empty seats and her eyes strarted to search for 'him'. When her eyes caught him, she gets lost in her fantasy land whem someone suddenly spoke... basically screamed in her ear, "EARTH TO JIYEON!!!" Beomgyu screamed.

"What the hell, Beomgyu? Can't you say that with a voice little polite and low?" Jiyeon scolded Beomgyu in frustration.

"Well I called you many times but you didn't answer, so..."

"So, you'll shout!?"

"Yeah." Beomgyu said while sitting down on the seat beside Jiyeon and started to watch the choir members practice.

Beomgyu, Choi Beomgyu. He's been Jiyeon's friend since they were ten. He tranfered to their current school where Jiyeon was already studying in and since then they started sharing everything with each other.

After a while, Jiyeon looks at time and it was already 8:19 am, the choir members also started leaving to attend their classes. She got up and helped Beomgyu get up too as he had braces on his legs ever since he was just two years old. He met with an accident due to which his knees got badly hurt which is why he wears braces all the time.

After she helped Beomgyu, her and him started going towards their class until someone called out her name.


When she turned around she saw...

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