~ Chapter 1 ~ (Optional for plot)

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{ First off I have to say that SOMEHOW the universe saw that I didn't necessarily remember what it feels like to get sick because I umm... well I don't get sick. Now I'm sick and my whole body is screeching in pain like a pterodactyl who just ate Lysol. ANYWAYS now I can more realistically write this book because I now know how Quackity feels. Very well then I'm out and just in case here are all the !TW!s for this chapter. *flies away on Draco Malfoy's gay ass broomstick* }

                                     ~ !TW!s ~
                        Small migraine moment
Some cursing because what's Quackity without it XD (I will censor the words out though-)
                              Forceful flirting
  { if I missed anything please let me know here! ➡️ }

/No ones POV\
It was a normal night much like every other. As  Quackity listens to the small sounds of sand and grass shifting under the weight of his polished dress shoes, he trudges towards his refuge of the night. The lights of Las Navadas lit up his  peripheral vision as the multicolored LEDS of the buildings gave character to the cold night sky. He enters his most beloved area of Las Navadas, the casino. Immediately he is welcomed with the familiar sounds of dice being rolled, gaming "cha chings'' from the card slot machines, glasses being clinked together, and the incoherent sounds of people laughing, arguing, and just simply talking amongst themselves. Walking in he notices that it is for some reason peaceful not by the background noise, but by his mind...

It was too peaceful.. Why? Because everything was all in place EXCEPT for the one being that keeps pestering him everyday since his revival

Wilbur f**king Soot.

The zombie man was nowhere to be seen which caught Quackity off guard until he realized he wouldn't be bothered the whole night! FINALLY!! Some peace and quiet to himself, but the calmness slowly became the paranoia and curiosity of why Wilbur wasn't here?... As much as he didn't want to, he decided to get a drink to get his mind off of the jumbled thoughts that plagued his clean conscience.

"Aw sh*t"  The duck hybrid looked at who was working the bar shift today and it was this girl named Stacey who was always hitting on Quackity despite the numerous times he had tried hinting to her that he wanted nothing to do with such a crazy psychopath. However, he reminded himself that if he can run a whole ass country by himself he can surely have one of the most horrible interactions ever with one of the most annoying people.

"Ok here's your order ma'am! Enjoy the drink- *see's Quackity* Whoa hey there hot stuff how are you today my little ducky?~"
Quackity cringed at the nickname, but also had a sense of unfamiliarity because the Deja vu of Wilbur using that pet name pierced his memory.
"I will just have a shot of whiskey Stacey and nothing else"

"Are you sure you don't want to also take a shot of me and you in my house tonight? I can always give you my number~"
Quackity wanted to stab his eyes out because boy he couldn't even look at Stacey without wanting to throw up at the overused  lipstick and thick red nails.

"Stacey remember I am your boss so I will repeat it when I say I don't condone my employees talking to me in such an inappropriate way"
"Fine, but you know you want it~"

Stacey opened the counter door and bumped into Quackity on her way to the storage room where she got the bottle of whiskey. Quackity was already fuming with anger, but he left that aside as he went back to thinking what Wilbur could be busy with. Oh how he loved the man, he just didn't tell anyone how he just wanted to stare at him for hours. How the curls of his fluffy sepia brown and white streaked hair fell oh so beautifully over pristine white features and red rimmed glasses.

Minx came by and sat next to Quackity to strike up conversation because she hadn't seen the man for quite the while. {Yes in this AU Minx lives in the DSMP with CaptainPuffy and is old friends with Quackity bc why not!}
"Hey man how are you lately, haven't seen you around much!"
Quackity jumped the slightest at the unfamiliar voice, but was calmed once he realized it was just his old friend.

"Oh hello Minx, I'm doing just fine, how have you been" *pats seat next to him*
*Minx sits down* "Just lovely, but slightly concerned about, what you were daydreaming about honey?"  {MINX KNOWWWS-}

" U-um just a umm.. someone" .
Quackity was taken aback by the question, but decided he could trust Minx to keep it a secret

"Really? Cmon spill the tea sugar"
"F-fine I was thinking about Wilbur.."
"YOU WHAT- sorry, you what?"
Stacey was cleaning a used glass when she heard the small conversation between the two.. She said to herself

"Ugh why does that musty beanstalk always have to take away the attention of my little ducky man!! Hmm I know how to make Quackity pay.."

Stacey decided that if she were to somehow discreetly put a form of sickness poison in the duck hybrid's drink then she could take care of him and earn his trust and he will eventually love her. She smirked knowing how smart the devious plot was, and how she knew IT WOULD NOT fail!

The redhead went into the bar's backroom {why did my autocorrect say "backrooms"-} to go get the poison with the help of a redhead potion dealer named Rick A. who with payment got the job done...

After inspecting a normal whiskey shot in comparison to the poisonous one, Stacey realized that there was practically no difference, only in smell however because the lethal Auburn substance had a rotting smell of what could only be differentiated as something quite grim to say the least.

Noticing this issue the hazel eyed girl saw a random cinnamon shaker on a shelf and decided that it should cover up the smell. The death concoction was completed and would take its hold over the span of a few hours, just enough time for Stacey to plan how to get Wilbur out of the picture and take care of Quackity.

"Oh Alex~"
"AND I WAS LIKE- oh hello Stacey. Use my name correctly, I won't spell it out for you. Now did you get my drink?"
"YesSs~ here you go! I know it will be something to die for. Alright buh bye!"
Minx looked at the girl as if her brain was made of water and said

"That was suspicious- y'know I don't get the best vibe from that Stephanie girl.."
"Her name is Stacey and to be honest I would avoid her but who cares, now it's drink time!"
Quackity looked at the odd consistency of the liquid and for no apparent reason sniffed the iridescent substance.
He coughed at the strong scent of cinnamon, and remembered watching YouTube Shorts at 1:69 am whilst coming upon a short saying that cinnamon may be used to cover up the musk of poisoning in a drink, but he just shrugged and drank the alcohol because he had no care for anything potentially medically dangerous {same here} .

"Well I have to go Quackity, it was nice seeing you this evening!"
"Same here Minx, don't go off causing trouble"
"You can count on me to do so ;) "

As Minx left, the duck man's brain blanked out as the jazz in the casino was the only thing playing in his quiet mind. Quackity decided to head out of the casino when a sudden wave of weight hit him and he felt as if a boulder had been placed on his shoulders. Pausing in his slow walk he held his head as he pushed open the polished metal door to the casino, leading him back to the now chilly atmosphere in the dark evening.

He felt better after the sudden wave of what he assumed was fatigue as he kept a bouncy but consistent pace back towards his office where he would fall into a deep sleep. Quackity felt normal, perhaps his rival not being there to piss him off was a little odd, but overall Quackity felt fine. He felt safe and perfectly ready for whatever tomorrow would bring!

Little did the innocent duck know what tomorrow would bring...

     ~ END of Chapter 1, farewell until soon! ~

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