Chapter 5

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The flight to Santa Monica took an hour and a half from Los Angeles. It would be a lot of inconvenience for Jason if either Lily or Greg were to miss the vacation because neither of them were willing to give up for the other. Though, what was he expecting from a billionaire like Greg and a millionaire like Lily?

It would be much more difficult to deal with a billionaire and a millionaire because their company would crumble in the blink of an eye if they both teamed together to take it down.

No one! I mean no one can help the company to survive if they both decide to take it down. That's the power of money, it could go to any extent you want it to go.

" Are you thinking at all Jason? Why would you allow two people inside the penthouse?" Romeo, Jason's senior co-worker asked when he was informed that Jason allowed the two guests to stay at the penthouse for two months, even with the company's strict rules.

" Sir! I wasn't thinking when I made that decision, fine! But what was I supposed to do? They are wealthy people for Christ's sake, if they team up together to take down our company, it would be over for all of us so I think it's better that way, because they both agreed to stay together" Jason said to Romeo. Even after saying all that he said, he was damn worried on the inside but masked it up.

Romeo was surprised because of what Jason said. He moved closer to him and whispered into his ear, " You know it's not allowed Jason" he said and Jason nodded.

" I know clearly that it isn't allowed but I am taking the risk," he whispered into Romeo's ear too.

" Why would you risk such a thing? Huh?" Romeo asked. He was trying to get the reason why Jason would allow both guests to be in one penthouse for two months when he knew that once the company found out, he would lose his job for that.

" I seriously don't want to lose my job," Jason said with a sullen look and Romeo scoffed.

" With what you've done, do you think you won't lose your job?"

" I can and will only lose my job if the company finds out, but if they don't...." He stopped to look at Romeo who was so curious to hear his next line of words. " But if they don't find out, then everything will be nice once again." Jason smiled and Romeo rolled his eyes at him.

"It seems this guy is not in his right state of mind," Romeo thought as he stared at Jason who was smiling like a baby.

" All that you said.." Romeo started, "Does it even make sense?" He added.

" You won't understand me, Romeo. Maybe if you were in my shoes you would understand better. For Christ's sake those two are from wealthy families, don't you get it? I would be done if I didn't allow them to do whatever they want, because neither of them was ready to give up their vacation at the penthouse" Jason said in a more serious tone. It seemed as if nobody understood him, he was trying his best to protect both the company and himself but no one wanted to accept him. They wanted to cancel their vacation which was rather impossible for him.

" And lastly, it's not just for me, you should remember this. I am doing it for the company."

" Hmmmm. I hope no one finds Jason."

" I would be extra careful so no one finds out."


In one hour and thirty minutes, the jet landed on the seashore close to the penthouse. The penthouse was the most beautiful place Lily had ever come across.

The moment she stepped out of the jet with her things, the air of serenity and peace hit her hard making her smile. She was grateful she didn't give in to Greg's request because she was going to miss a lot if she had given in earlier.

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